Help about starting date!!!
2005-10-10 18:51:00
Hi, Guys, my lawyer told me that after the USCIS receives my h-1b application, I can start to work, and I don't have to wait for the receipt? Is this true? The new company wants me to start asap, but I don't want to , wuwu. Btw, I'm transferring or re-applying a new H1-b from non-profit org to industry job.
Many many thanks!!!
我不知道你要不要quote. USCIS收到你的申请, 你只有拿到收据才可以确定呀. 反正应该在两星期里, 还是按规矩来比较好.
I think u should wait for receipt.
Thanks for your reply. I need the quote. The thing is that the lawyer said that after she files the application, I can start to work without the receipt, is it correct?
same same
好像是他们用fedex寄,第二天受到fedex的delivery confirm,你就可以工作了
我的律师说要等到正式的approval notice下来才能工作,否则等以后会很麻烦的。因为公司纪录你的工作时间比你的h1b要早,以后提供材料什么的都会有矛盾。
正式的approval notice那要很久阿,如果真是这样的话就比较烦了。
一般说来H1 transfer是收到receipt就能开始新工作的,现在也有更多的律师说只要交上去就行,不过我觉得还是拿到receipt保险一些。不知道从non-profit 转到profit是不是也是这样?
问问大家,像这种H1不知道什么时候搞定的情况,也就是不知道什么时候能开始工作,你们和现在的单位都怎么说ending date? 辞职总是要提前一定时间的,是不是只能等新单位有了准信才能辞职?如果要求30 day notice, 那就又要等一个月才能去新单位上班了?
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