2004-05-25 09:56:00
我现在正在考虑。 这个跟普通技术移民比的优点据说是快,那有没有什么缺点呢?另外不知道是不是办了这个过去了以后就必须住在魁北克。我以前在网上看到有人批评有些中国人拿了魁北克移民后就住到多伦多或西岸去,不知道这是不是不允许的或不道德的行为?虽然我蛮喜欢魁北克的(都是夏天去的)可是反正多伦多已经是我的北极了,我受不了冬天更冷更长的地方了。
where r u now?
in USA?
in USA?
I don't know if immigrate to CA has any meanings.
hehe, if now apply,I think we can get approved easily even if the score is 75.
So if I planned to immgrate to CA, I will think of getting a PHD or a degree there, the time just good for citizenship and my LD maybe do some business there etc. He has friends to help him. I don't anticipate one of us can find job there easily,hehe.
But in all, I think CA is boring and high TAX.hehe, I don't know. I still think living in US maybe is better than CA.But immigrate to CA ,one thing good is you can apply for parents easily later.That's defintely one thing good!
hehe, if now apply,I think we can get approved easily even if the score is 75.
So if I planned to immgrate to CA, I will think of getting a PHD or a degree there, the time just good for citizenship and my LD maybe do some business there etc. He has friends to help him. I don't anticipate one of us can find job there easily,hehe.
But in all, I think CA is boring and high TAX.hehe, I don't know. I still think living in US maybe is better than CA.But immigrate to CA ,one thing good is you can apply for parents easily later.That's defintely one thing good!
以下是引用jami在2004-5-26 20:06:22的发言:
I don't know if immigrate to CA has any meanings.
hehe, if now apply,I think we can get approved easily even if the score is 75.
So if I planned to immgrate to CA, I will think of getting a PHD or a degree there, the time just good for citizenship and my LD maybe do some business there etc. He has friends to help him. I don't anticipate one of us can find job there easily,hehe.
But in all, I think CA is boring and high TAX.hehe, I don't know. I still think living in US maybe is better than CA.But immigrate to CA ,one thing good is you can apply for parents easily later.That's defintely one thing good!
I don't know if immigrate to CA has any meanings.
hehe, if now apply,I think we can get approved easily even if the score is 75.
So if I planned to immgrate to CA, I will think of getting a PHD or a degree there, the time just good for citizenship and my LD maybe do some business there etc. He has friends to help him. I don't anticipate one of us can find job there easily,hehe.
But in all, I think CA is boring and high TAX.hehe, I don't know. I still think living in US maybe is better than CA.But immigrate to CA ,one thing good is you can apply for parents easily later.That's defintely one thing good!
then it may be a good choice, I have thought it quite some years ago.
If I did it, maybe I already got the citizenship and can get My MoM live with me le.
Vancouver can be a nice city, the weather is said to be good there. And quite some place in CA are pretty.
If you really want to do it, do it as soon as possible.It could take some time.
If I did it, maybe I already got the citizenship and can get My MoM live with me le.
Vancouver can be a nice city, the weather is said to be good there. And quite some place in CA are pretty.
If you really want to do it, do it as soon as possible.It could take some time.
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