Is there still the $1000 filing fee with I-129W?
2004-10-25 12:59:00
I heard that the $1000 doesn't exist any more and the total filing fee is only $185 with the I-129. Is that true? If that's the case, do I still need to fill out the I-129W form? Thanks a lot!
Looks like it has been taken out of USCIS list.
There is no fee of $185 for I-129W. What is this category?
There is no fee of $185 for I-129W. What is this category?
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-10-25 21:48:39编辑过]
I am filing for H1B1 extension. It used to have a $1000 filing fee on I-129w. I just want to make sure we just need to pay total $185 filing fee now. And I also want to know, if the $1000 is not required, do I still need to fill out the Form I-129w? Thanks
以下是引用cerium在2004-10-25 21:45:57的发言:
Looks like it has been taken out of USCIS list.
There is no fee of $185 for I-129W. What is this category?
Looks like it has been taken out of USCIS list.
There is no fee of $185 for I-129W. What is this category?
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-10-25 21:48:39编辑过]
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