2005-04-13 16:56:00
我是2001年来美读PhD, 去年刚转成master,现在想邀请我妈来参加我的毕业典礼, 系里的financial support (verification)该怎么写好呢?international office的邀请信写我的开始日期是从2001 还是去年(2004)?紧急求助, 请各位不吝赐教.
do u need a start date? I heard only graduation date is needed.
let's wait for others' comments
that is a great idea, I can ask the international office to get rid of that sentence, yet still have no idea about the financial support from the department, four-year award is kind of long for a master(they listed year by year), and the money becomes less than before. I don't know whether the visa officer ask this kind of questions or not, I think my I-20 and transcript show I changed my program.
thank you very much for your help!
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-4-13 18:48:54编辑过]
I have done that and filled out I-134 form. Thank you for your reminding.
By the way, do you have any idea about what kind of letter I need from my department, I mean the financial support, I got one, they just listed my tuition and insurance scholarship year by year (the last one is less because I changed my program). I don't know if that is good. do you think that I still need an invitation letter from them?
Thanks in advance for your help!
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-4-13 19:39:34编辑过]
一毕业典礼没那么麻烦8, 我当时就跟学校要了个邀请信,说明典礼时间等. 然后自己提供了一个银行存款证明. 我父母到时准备了单位的一些工作证明表示会尽快回来. 其它什么都没有. 很顺利.
转转业没什么问题8, 反正是来参加毕业典礼的, 跟那个有关系嘛
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