i am interested in the brain teeser, but Ithink it is under-defined. Did the guy know how many leaves anytime, or he know it by counting. If he knows it anytime by perception, yes, then the answer is correct. But if he only knows it by counting, then if he doesn't know how many leaves you pulled off, how could he tell you the number then?
mm ld好强!不过把简历贴在网上不怕被原来公司知道吗?我ld也想跳槽了,就是不敢贴简历啊。
His former company is also a very big one, so HR does not know a lot things I guess
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-12-3 18:56:55编辑过]
i am interested in the brain teeser, but Ithink it is under-defined. Did the guy know how many leaves anytime, or he know it by counting. If he knows it anytime by perception, yes, then the answer is correct. But if he only knows it by counting, then if he doesn't know how many leaves you pulled off, how could he tell you the number then?
Sorry, MM, I guess I did not make the question clear enough. The guy is asked how many leavies are still in the tree, and "he doesn't know how many leaves you pulled off" is just the point that you can test him about.
Let's make this simpler to understand: suppose he told you that the tree had 1000 leaves. As you cannot count yourself to proof him correct or wrong, you pull out 3 leavies behind his back and ask him again how many leavies are there in the tree. If he really can count, he would count again and found out the tree now has 997 leavies, if he says some other number, then he is wrong. Of course, all these is under and assumption that no other things happen during the time (like wind blow off some leavies etc.)
这个答案只能针对,这个人是临时counting出来叶子多少,这样才能通过pull off 叶子来测验这个人到底有没有迅速counting叶子的能力。
但是,如果这个人并不是说自己有这个counting 能力,而是说自己以前某天数过这棵树有多少片叶子,我们就不能通过pull off叶子来证明这个人说谎还是说真。因为你pull off叶子,并不就能说明他开始说的就是谎话。
如果是后一种题目的理解的话,其实这个题目很简单,很没意思,我觉得谁都会想到要去pull off叶子来证明那个人的counting能力的。
by the way,你ld和我lg不会在同一家大公司吧?我以为就他们公司才会出这种无聊的智力题,赫赫
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