rbbear, go to the one who do sponsor GC.
If both sponsor, go to the one you like.
If both sponsor, go to the one you like.
faint.... I forgot to ask them.
Is it appropriate for an entry level fresh graduate to ask about GC? Still got 3 onsites coming up and I may wanna ask for the GC issue if got a chance.
Is it appropriate for an entry level fresh graduate to ask about GC? Still got 3 onsites coming up and I may wanna ask for the GC issue if got a chance.
以下是引用littleshuishui在2004-9-3 17:11:45的发言:
rbbear, go to the one who do sponsor GC.
If both sponsor, go to the one you like.
rbbear, go to the one who do sponsor GC.
If both sponsor, go to the one you like.
RRBEAR MM,你找工作的时候都在哪里找的?是在网上还是看报纸,还是参加招聘会呢?你觉得哪个网站比较管用?我也是学统计的,在MONSTER上POST了简历,根本没人理啊.
Monster, and Got one interview out of a couple applications on sas-jobs. The company is still following with me. There're not a lot of posting on amstat but those are all real jobs, I think. Got one interview out of several applications and won the offer. All other interviews are from monster.
Simply posting your resume is not enough. You gotta apply for jobs.
Simply posting your resume is not enough. You gotta apply for jobs.
以下是引用behappy在2004-9-8 20:12:21的发言:
RRBEAR MM,你找工作的时候都在哪里找的?是在网上还是看报纸,还是参加招聘会呢?你觉得哪个网站比较管用?我也是学统计的,在MONSTER上POST了简历,根本没人理啊.
RRBEAR MM,你找工作的时候都在哪里找的?是在网上还是看报纸,还是参加招聘会呢?你觉得哪个网站比较管用?我也是学统计的,在MONSTER上POST了简历,根本没人理啊.
AMGEN, TO 什么时候变2ND GLOBAL LARGE BIOTECH了?不是第一吗?第二是Genetech,SF 吧?
如果你有绿卡,去小公司...more fun;
如果没有,去大公司...more stability
如果你有绿卡,去小公司...more fun;
如果没有,去大公司...more stability
以下是引用hiimo在2004-8-30 1:49:41的发言:
If your first company is the one I know, which is located in TO, I would recomand you go there. I have been working there for 6 months and relocated because of personal reason. But I think that is a good place for a fresh grad. Stable is good for GC.
If your first company is the one I know, which is located in TO, I would recomand you go there. I have been working there for 6 months and relocated because of personal reason. But I think that is a good place for a fresh grad. Stable is good for GC.
以下是引用barney在2004-9-9 2:13:42的发言:
TO也有缺点,离机场和MP都要1个多小时。bar还看到过,night club就不多见了,不过还是比我现在待的地方强,已经后悔了。sign...
以下是引用rbbear在2004-9-8 21:12:05的发言:
Monster, and Got one interview out of a couple applications on sas-jobs. The company is still following with me. There're not a lot of posting on amstat but those are all real jobs, I think. Got one interview out of several applications and won the offer. All other interviews are from monster.
Simply posting your resume is not enough. You gotta apply for jobs.
Monster, and Got one interview out of a couple applications on sas-jobs. The company is still following with me. There're not a lot of posting on amstat but those are all real jobs, I think. Got one interview out of several applications and won the offer. All other interviews are from monster.
Simply posting your resume is not enough. You gotta apply for jobs.
以下是引用behappy在2004-9-8 20:12:21的发言:
RRBEAR MM,你找工作的时候都在哪里找的?是在网上还是看报纸,还是参加招聘会呢?你觉得哪个网站比较管用?我也是学统计的,在MONSTER上POST了简历,根本没人理啊.
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