What does background checking check?
2004-09-02 00:33:00
The offer letter says the offer will be confirmed after a background checking. Don't know what is being done in that process.
Employment and criminal history or any charge, academic background. Never heard anybody failed on this.
just heard somebody fail the backgroud check, one did not pass the drug test, (my company required that), one lied about current income.
faint. If I've attended a university for one year but I didnot mention that on my resume, will I get into trouble?
以下是引用rbbear在2004-9-2 20:50:06的发言:
faint. If I've attended a university for one year but I didnot mention that on my resume, will I get into trouble?
faint. If I've attended a university for one year but I didnot mention that on my resume, will I get into trouble?
I do not think it is critical. Resume is not so evidently since there is no signature. The questions on HR forms will matters. especially those signed separately regarding drug, salary, education history.
前不久在 MSN 主页上看见一篇文章专门讲这个。 似乎虚报经历会被查出来,但是像你无关紧要的不提, 不那么重要吧。犯罪记录肯定是瞒不住的。说是可以在申请工作前自己找人查一下自己,几十美元而已。记录上没有的也不用都说出来。
How about GPA then? I got As for all the courses taken from the most recent school, and got a GPA 3.5 from the previous school. In the application form, I stated GPA 4.0 and 3.5 respectively. But the problem is, I transferred 3 courses from the previous school and for one of them I got B. If that B is counted into my final GPA, I'll not have a 4.0. Will this be detected in the background checking? Any trouble with it?
I hope I'm just 杞人忧天ing.
I hope I'm just 杞人忧天ing.
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