其实从生物来看,作了postdoc后立马独立的人终归还是少数,多数人不是转行就是考虑寻个大老板手下去做个lab manager,好听一点儿算是research assistant prof,难听一点儿和technician也没啥区别,顶多是个高级technician而已,有些人在做postdoc期间能拿到头衔的还可以申请个课题啥的,但是很困难,没有绿卡根本就不可能在NIH拿到课题,只能去找其他机构,钱也不会多,总之是在美国的外国人,如果真想走这条路,必须要有十二万分的热情,和10年内不怕吃苦的精神,否则还是看看找个和运用相关的专业赶快转了得好。
以下是引用apupu在2004-9-5 22:25:43的发言:
嗯,我知道化工就业好一些,化学好像这两年也不行了,而且化学好找的那些比如organic chemistry,又枯燥又危险,不怎么吸引人呀
以下是引用lanlan在2004-9-9 9:52:15的发言:
This is among the best choice. The position is limited but company will consider sponsership to you.
CERIUM,谢谢答复,不过我有些看不懂,什么是The position is limited but company will consider sponsership to you.是可选择的公司很少吗,如果公司给了OFFER,还要什么SPONSERSHIP啊
以下是引用cerium在2004-9-9 14:38:01的发言:
以下是引用lanlan在2004-9-9 9:52:15的发言:
This is among the best choice. The position is limited but company will consider sponsership to you.
以下是引用lanlan在2004-9-10 6:25:13的发言:
CERIUM,谢谢答复,不过我有些看不懂,什么是The position is limited but company will consider sponsership to you.是可选择的公司很少吗,如果公司给了OFFER,还要什么SPONSERSHIP啊
CERIUM,谢谢答复,不过我有些看不懂,什么是The position is limited but company will consider sponsership to you.是可选择的公司很少吗,如果公司给了OFFER,还要什么SPONSERSHIP啊
以下是引用cerium在2004-9-9 14:38:01的发言:
以下是引用lanlan在2004-9-9 9:52:15的发言:
This is among the best choice. The position is limited but company will consider sponsership to you.
There are not so much need of LCMS for PhD as to my understanding. especially with a tough budget. When a company propose an offer, they have to put sponsership into consider for F1 holders. They need to sponser H1, green card application for the applicant later on after OPT finished. The offer means they have thought of it. During my age, the general salary gap between need or don't need sponsership has been over 10K as clearly stated by recruiters.
再次感谢cerium的答复,既然LCMS没有必要读博士,你前面为什么说This is among the best choice.我们这个专业出来当实验员公司嫌OVERQUALIFIED,当实验室负责人也不是什么人都能当的,更何况我们外国人呢.你觉得我们这个专业出来都应该到哪里找工作呢,如果找不到工作,读博士后会怎么样
以下是引用cerium在2004-9-10 8:44:14的发言:
以下是引用lanlan在2004-9-10 6:25:13的发言:
CERIUM,谢谢答复,不过我有些看不懂,什么是The position is limited but company will consider sponsership to you.是可选择的公司很少吗,如果公司给了OFFER,还要什么SPONSERSHIP啊
以下是引用cerium在2004-9-9 14:38:01的发言:
以下是引用lanlan在2004-9-9 9:52:15的发言:
This is among the best choice. The position is limited but company will consider sponsership to you.
There are not so much need of LCMS for PhD as to my understanding. especially with a tough budget. When a company propose an offer, they have to put sponsership into consider for F1 holders. They need to sponser H1, green card application for the applicant later on after OPT finished. The offer means they have thought of it. During my age, the general salary gap between need or don't need sponsership has been over 10K as clearly stated by recruiters.
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-9-10 11:42:17编辑过]
以下是引用lanlan在2004-9-10 11:16:50的发言:
再次感谢cerium的答复,既然LCMS没有必要读博士,你前面为什么说This is among the best choice.我们这个专业出来当实验员公司嫌OVERQUALIFIED,当实验室负责人也不是什么人都能当的,更何况我们外国人呢.你觉得我们这个专业出来都应该到哪里找工作呢,如果找不到工作,读博士后会怎么样
再次感谢cerium的答复,既然LCMS没有必要读博士,你前面为什么说This is among the best choice.我们这个专业出来当实验员公司嫌OVERQUALIFIED,当实验室负责人也不是什么人都能当的,更何况我们外国人呢.你觉得我们这个专业出来都应该到哪里找工作呢,如果找不到工作,读博士后会怎么样
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-9-10 11:42:17编辑过]
Not sure about the prospect in academic area. The gap for surviving is always limited for foreign student for sure. Everybody solved the problem by their own way. I guess the best thing you can do now is communicating with industry people as much as possible through conferences and free trainings. It is inexpensive to students at all. The connection is very important. This is a field worthy of being stuck on.
My friend with major on MASS Spectrometry just found a job in a big instrumentation company. Her job wil be about GC/MASS. Besides the organic chemistry, I think it is the easiest major in chemistry to find a company job right after Ph.D. She actually got a few offers. So I think Lanlan is in a good postion interm of job hunting.
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