there are bacislly two types of quant:
quant analysist: need strong math/finance. ideally PHD in math or physics plus finance master.
quant developer: need strong programming. ideally computer science with a strong math or finance background.
Also, there are programmer positions in a quant group, which is like 100% percent Computer, but these programmers like to call themselves quant too. ;)
For fresh master graduate or someone in other major, most likely will start work on a quant developer lvl. programming skill is more important than math/finance knowledge.
Lots of chinese choosed Finance engineering master program recently, like what happened in CS several years ago. But get a degree in FE is not necessarily the best way to get into quant area. Especially at developer level, which is very likely the start point, programming skills is way more important. Understand your advantage, get some basic knowledges which you don't know yet, then you are good to go.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-1-20 15:07:22编辑过]
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