紧急: OPT期间回国
2005-04-03 23:14:00
正在OPT期间,家里出了不幸的事, 紧急回国。 问问大家OPT期间回国会不会有什么麻烦。回国后签证会有什末麻烦。
另外, 请大家告诉我一个代理马上能拿到机票的。感激不
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-4-3 23:16:51编辑过]
有offer, 但H1B还没办下来。
所以还应该, 还应算原学校的F-1, 对吗?
有offer回国办签证时怎么说呀?(我是回国奔丧)。 麻烦你给细说一下。多谢你了。
有offer, 但H1B还没办下来。
所以还应该, 还应算原学校的F-1, 对吗?
有offer回国办签证时怎么说呀?(我是回国奔丧)。 麻烦你给细说一下。多谢你了。
有job offer应该可以
What about traveling abroad after I have completed my studies and while I hold practical training status? If you have completed your course of study and have received your USCIS authorization for practical training (your EAD card), you may travel abroad and re-enter the U.S. in F-1 status. You will need the following documents for your re-entry: (1) a valid passport, (2) a valid F-1 visa stamp in your passport, (3) the new SEVIS I-20 recommending optional practical training (4) your original practical training Employment Authorization Document (EAD) issued by the USCIS and (5) proof that you have a job in the U.S. appropriate for practical training and that you are returning to the U.S. to resume or start this employment. If you do not have all of these documents you should NOT travel abroad without first consulting an OISS advisor. (An expired F-1 visa can pose a problem; it may be difficult to renew your F-1 visa while you are on practical training.)
and print out all these info and take it with u, because when u come back, the INS officers may not know details of the rules. u have to show it to them
我刚刚要申请的H1B。 我回国申请签证的话, 应该申请什末呀?
F1 还是 H1?
心里什末都在想, 乱成一团。周围也没人可以说说, 我觉得快撑不住了有点。
u still apply for F1. but get an employment letter from the company. and also ask for one contact in case American Embassy/Consulate in China needs to verify the job offer.
Don't worry, you will get through. and make sure you eat well and get enough sleep.
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