About H-1B extension
2005-04-11 13:36:00
My H-1B will be expired in August. I'm preparing the package for H-1B extension. We are also applying for green card. Our I-140 got approved last year and we filed I-485 in last December. Since we are also in 485 pending, What is the possiblity of my H-1B extension approval? Anyone has experience about this? Thank you very very much!
never heard H1 extension rejected(not beyond 6 yr limit), so u should be fine.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-4-11 13:56:17编辑过]
以下是引用HuangNiLuo在2005-4-11 13:55:00的发言:
never heard H1 extension rejected(not beyond 6 yr limit), so u should be fine.
never heard H1 extension rejected(not beyond 6 yr limit), so u should be fine.
XIE XIE! I just heard a bad news of my friend. She wanted to change her status from H-4 to F-1 but she was in 485 pending and her application got denied. Hope mine is OK.
If not, you can apply working card now.
以下是引用lihuang325在2005-4-11 14:03:00的发言:
If not, you can apply working card now.
If not, you can apply working card now.
I'm think maybe I need to apply both H-1b Extension and EAD.
以下是引用binbinz在2005-4-11 14:13:00的发言:
I'm think maybe I need to apply both H-1b Extension and EAD.
it's always safe to get both. and once your H1 extension is filed. u get 240 days grace period automatically. During that period, you may get ur 485 approved. Good luck!
以下是引用binbinz在2005-4-11 14:02:00的发言:
XIE XIE! I just heard a bad news of my friend. She wanted to change her status from H-4 to F-1 but she was in 485 pending and her application got denied. Hope mine is OK.
XIE XIE! I just heard a bad news of my friend. She wanted to change her status from H-4 to F-1 but she was in 485 pending and her application got denied. Hope mine is OK.
she's changing status(as 485 is also changing status), while you keep the same status. different case
以下是引用HuangNiLuo在2005-4-11 15:29:00的发言:
she's changing status(as 485 is also changing status), while you keep the same status. different case
she's changing status(as 485 is also changing status), while you keep the same status. different case
I think so too. Thanks a lot! :)
don't worry. 你朋友在办永久居民的同时,想转成不能有移民倾向的F-1自然有问题。H-1B是可以有双重倾向的,所以没什么问题。你应该EAD和H-1B extension都做,反正也不难。
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