Can I take courses when I am on my OPT??
2005-04-22 11:49:00
I have a question, can I take courses when I am on OPT???
I would like to work after I graduate and using my OPT. At the same time, can I take some courses on a part-time basis towards my PhD degree??
Can anybody tell if it's feasible?
Why the international student officer in our school said that I can not do that. He said I can take courses like scuba diving, but not courses towards any degree. Is this true? Anybody has any experience on it??
还是看你的I-20。如果你的I-20是ph.d的,你在学习中申请了OPT,那你是可以边用OPT,边读书的。如果你master的I-20,你申请了OPT,已经毕业了,或者你要换个学校的Ph.D的program,这两种情况都是你可以上课,但是可能不会记到你的program里,要不然就象二楼那个mm说的,OPT是会被终止的。还是听你的international advisor的,不然他是可以说你OPT被中止了的。mm如果能转成H1,就没这些限制啦。
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