请教part time读过书的姐妹
2005-04-27 14:43:00
如果要part time读个学位,要什么特别的手续吗?譬如要不要老板签字同意什么的呀?
No you don't need to get approval from your boss, but be careful to choose the class schedule and handle the study and work in balance.
I had experience of part time study and full time work for a year, it's a very tough journey. Because I wanted to graduate sooner so I still registered 12 units each semester, which would keep a full time student busy alreay, meanwhile the work was very demanding too. So the whole year I got no vacation, no weekends, no relax at all.
You can definitely graduate with part time study, it just takes longer. And you don't need to conver to F1 visa if you have H1, the company doesn't care if you are studying or not as long as you finish your job; the University doesn't care if you have a job or not, it's your own choice how many units to register each semster as long as you can handle it well.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-5-4 15:37:23编辑过]
怎么既工作又PART-TIME读书啊?工作不是工作签证吗?怎么转学生签证呢?而且PART-TIME可以拿学位吗?我们这限制只能选6分的课,然后就要转为FULL-TIME,你们是怎么读的啊?我也准备读,请教一下啊,我的邮件是[email protected].请快回啊,我好急啊。
u don't have to change visa to F to go to school yah.
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