2005-05-20 13:49:00
Personal thoughts. Not legal or official advice!!!
Theoretically you can look for job any time. The key issue is whether you can be authorized to work. There are three ways you can work offcampus on F-1:
1) Curriculum Practical Tranining, particulaly for summer intern;
2) OPT;
3) Get a H-1 approval before you go to the market.
Since you have already been in Ph.D. program, I doubt you will be able to obtain OPT for your master degree. But you can apply for OPT increments (for exmaple, 2 months, 3 months) anytime during your study or OPT total 12 months after your study.
Hope this is what you want to know and hope it helps a little bit.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-5-20 14:20:23编辑过]
可以可以,不麻烦.但是在申请H1其间你要能合法工作, 可以到International Student Office 去申请fulltime CPT.
I have the same situation as lz. And this is the solution I heard.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-5-20 14:47:28编辑过]
Thank you very much!
I think you can go to ask International Office, because each university may have its own policy.
问一个题外话。cpt期间我们学校要求注一个0学分的课,那么要交tuition fee吗?
我们学校要求至少注册1个学分的课,要交学费, 可是想一想去上班的工资, 一个学分的学费真不算什么.
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