performance bonus的比例一般是多少?
2005-05-24 20:29:00
年薪的百分之多少? 如果performance excellent的话,一般而言。 当年offer letter明确说performance bonus, 一年都多了半个月了, 也不见老板谈话什么的,钱也不见进帐, 主动去问好不好啊? 老板对工作还是很满意的。
each company has different rules on bonus. on bad days, companies even cut it. but you can ask ur boss about it. maybe he/she just forgot.
each company has different rules on bonus. on bad days, companies even cut it. but you can ask ur boss about it. maybe he/she just forgot.
谢谢, 没有个大概的比例啊, 比如说10% of annual salary什么的? 不会最后只给个几十刀的gift card吧! 让我干活, 她咋就从来不忘呢!
谢谢, 没有个大概的比例啊, 比如说10% of annual salary什么的? 不会最后只给个几十刀的gift card吧! 让我干活, 她咋就从来不忘呢!
hehe, that's how bosses act, to get the most out of u with least cost. but it's ur right to ask, just go ahead.
hehe, that's how bosses act, to get the most out of u with least cost. but it's ur right to ask, just go ahead.
谢谢,明天好好表现一天, 下班的时候,问一下她。NND,就不知道主动给涨个工资什么的。
每个公司不一样的,而且和公司上一年的业绩有关, 光景好的时候多少都有可能, 不好的时候就算你的perfomance review再高, 也加不了几个百分点, 甚至什么都没有.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-5-25 1:02:12编辑过]
一般有个说法啊,公司效益不错的话,你干得也不错的话,还像是10%左右。 知道的这点不一定可观,仅供参考。
一般有个说法啊,公司效益不错的话,你干得也不错的话,还像是10%左右。 知道的这点不一定可观,仅供参考。
I haven't heard any company would give 10% bonus to a 'not bad' performer in now days, on the contrary, I know many companies gave nothing no matter how well you performed in the past few years. Maybe things will get better from this year.
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