give me some idea
2005-06-03 16:33:00
sorry no Chinese input
I plan to relocate to where my hubby is in a few months so I started looking for jobs. Got a firm that is interested in me and asked when I can be in town to do the interview. The thing is I already bought a ticket the end of July for routinely visiting my hubby. For some reason I cannot leave my firm RIGHT NOW. That opening is an immediate opening. I have not told my boss about anything yet. Even they are interested in me, I cannot start right away.
messy, messy, i do not know what to do lah.
Get interview first. If it is really fit, the timing can be worked out.
问题是我这身份的事情是不是先跟他们说说呀? 我怎么才能合适的问一下公司的情况呀.
还有一般这种immediate opening会给我留上个1-2月吗? 我只是不想冒贸然就瞎跑一趟, 画个好几百刀不说, 还伤心伤神的.
Get interview first. If it is really fit, the timing can be worked out.
问题是我这身份的事情是不是先跟他们说说呀? 我怎么才能合适的问一下公司的情况呀.
还有一般这种immediate opening会给我留上个1-2月吗? 我只是不想冒贸然就瞎跑一趟, 画个好几百刀不说, 还伤心伤神的.
如果新的工作好, 老的随时可以放下, 除非签下来合同. 没有什么project重要到少不了一个人的. 如果是支持转H1B, 可以马上生效的.
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