2005-06-27 14:50:00
It depends on your salary. Check your paycheck stub, FICA (social security and medicare tax) shouldn't be deducted for CPT.
There is no difference between tax rate for OPT and J1 since neither need to be deducted FICA.
first $5,000 from OPT is tax free according to a treaty.
anything above that will be taxed for Federal Tax only!
you won't be taxed for SSN and Medicare taxes during OPT period.
i don't know anything about CPT and J1 though!
first $5,000 from OPT is tax free according to a treaty.
anything above that will be taxed for Federal Tax only!
you won't be taxed for SSN and Medicare taxes during OPT period.
i don't know anything about CPT and J1 though!
搞错了吧. 5000块以外除了联邦税外, 洲税也是要扣的. 而且住满5年, 我们就算学生也要扣ssn medicare的税的. J1最爽了. 不用交税. 只不过在我们州, 两年后也要交ssn 和medicare的. 只是不扣州税和联邦税而已.hehe.
CPT的话算公司的employee吗,公司会给提供health benefit吗?如果不是必须的话,觉得还是 不想让公司提供benefits,那样公司可能更愿意hire 我,毕竟现在经验是最重要的。如果这样的话,自己到外面买health, dental保险,贵吗?
CPT has nothing to do with whether you are "employee" or not. As long as you work there, you need CPT authorization (unless you have OPT or H1). However, the type of work/position might differ, from "internship" to "temporary employee", whatever. For example, my job title is "temporary employee", but it is only for my summer internship.
As far as I know, it is rare that the company would like to pay you the health benefits unless they are interested in having you there for a longer-term. Other benefit package might differ too depending on the employers. The place where I am provides 3 days' person day/sick day for the summer internship...
CPT has nothing to do with whether you are "employee" or not. As long as you work there, you need CPT authorization (unless you have OPT or H1). However, the type of work/position might differ, from "internship" to "temporary employee", whatever. For example, my job title is "temporary employee", but it is only for my summer internship.
As far as I know, it is rare that the company would like to pay you the health benefits unless they are interested in having you there for a longer-term. Other benefit package might differ too depending on the employers. The place where I am provides 3 days' person day/sick day for the summer internship...
那我岂不是太走运了,我现在intern的公司不仅提供health insurance, dental insurance, 还有life insurance, 还包括我lg的. 不过我没有要health insurance, 因为我自己刚续了一年的学生保险, 也怕换来换去保险公司会以preexisting condition为由不给我报销.
搞错了吧. 5000块以外除了联邦税外, 洲税也是要扣的. 而且住满5年, 我们就算学生也要扣ssn medicare的税的. J1最爽了. 不用交税. 只不过在我们州, 两年后也要交ssn 和medicare的. 只是不扣州税和联邦税而已.hehe.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-7-5 11:09:00编辑过]
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