[求助] 再问什么时候提出办h1
2005-07-13 09:39:00
建议MM也可以去mit bbs的immigration版看看.那里每天都有很多人在讨论.其中也有类似的问题.越早办理越好!现在不像以前,想要的时候就能办好.早点有就踏实了... good luck!
Thanks girls. One of my major concerns is that will the immigration agency easily approve an H1 for a temporary job? When you process your H1, do they ask whether the job is permanent or temporary? I am worried that the college agree to do H1 for me before they even know what it is, and then if they fail to get the H1 for me, I will be running out of my opt soon.
Thanks girls. One of my major concerns is that will the immigration agency easily approve an H1 for a temporary job? When you process your H1, do they ask whether the job is permanent or temporary? I am worried that the college agree to do H1 for me before they even know what it is, and then if they fail to get the H1 for me, I will be running out of my opt soon.
H1不需要永久工作. 和绿卡的要求不一样. 学位可能是有点问题, 一般要有硕士以上, 否则就要求工作经验. 我个人认为应该先签下offer letter. 没有签这个, 学校很容易收回offer.
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