Any inf. about B2 change to F1? 3X~~~~~
2005-08-11 16:39:00
1.在美国国内转,不出境可能吗?(和律师谈过,律师愿意受理) 2.直接去第三国转签,受理吗? 3.若B2延期过,再回国签F1 和 若在美国申请转F1,据了再回国签F1,哪种稍微保险一些? 注: 因为个人原因,不能在B2的I-94到期前回国签F1 大家有任何的意见或者建议都请告诉我吧,万分感激的说~~~~ |
You don't need to go back to China for the F1 visa. It is statutorily allowed to change nonimmigrant status in the US. As long as you file the petition with the USCIS prior to the expiration of B2 status, you can lawfully stay in the US while waiting for the result. Once your petitin is denied, you will have to leave US as soon as possible, so that the unlawful stay will not accrue. (there is a three year bar and a 10 year bar.)
Of course the status change application of this kind is difficult to get approved. No attorney could guarantee it. Among other things, the focus of the application should be on the explanation to the USCIS why you are applying for the status change, that you did not intend to change status in the US when you applied for B2 visa in China, and that your application is not intended to extend the stay in the US.
Good luck.
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