2005-08-15 08:59:00
昨天接到公司President的留言,说"I do believe we'd like to offer you a job". 这个是不是已经给OFFER了,还是只表示有希望? 他让我回电话跟他谈谈.我不知道要不要提H1的事.当初和Human Resourse Manager 电话面试的时候他没提. 公司是我很想去的,害怕提起H1他们会不要我.
8/18 updated
结果大电话过去什么也没问, 只是说要我去工作一周, 看看我跟他们公司是不是good match. 这个要说是试用期好象也太短了, 可要说是INTERVIEW一周也太长了点吧. 有谁有过相似经历的说说好吗.
另外问问公司上班着装的问题. 我是女生, 应聘Engineer的职位, 穿什么比较合适. 一周内会去OFFICE和FIELD. 我想因为不是正式的面试所以西装套群可能就不用了.他们要求business casual.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-8-18 13:23:56编辑过]
Thanks. Now I have my OPT, which will end next May.
so even they don't sponsor you, u can work till next May at least(worst scenario). Is it possible to do research online to figure this company sponsors foriegners? I think there's a website you can check. if the answer is positive, you won't have too much problem with sponsorship , i guess. Did you see foreingers in the company when you went for interviews? Is it big company(at least medium size)? Nowadays, most medium-big companes are aware of H1 issue when they interview non-American...
The tricky part is if the company has NEVER hired H1 before, mentioning it may turn them off, in that case, you wanna be careful, coz working experience is more important. once you work in one company, it's easier to find a new job.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-8-15 20:25:02编辑过]
I haven't gone for on-site interview yet. That president call was after the phone interview with the human resource people. It's a medium-big company. Up till now they haven't mentioned anything about H1.
no one-site interview yet? hehe, kinda weird. but u don't lose anything...
you can wear short sleeve twin set(if u only have long sleeve one,put on the cardigan right before entering the office),pants.
They will use this week to watch you, so watch out... but, don't be too nervous/uptight all the time.
once u get in office, you will know if they have foreign employees, then you will know about H1...
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