大家帮帮忙,加拿大烂校博士学位vs美国不算烂校post doc
2005-10-11 11:02:00
最近有个事挺郁闷,请大家给支个招,先谢谢了。老公现在在加拿大读博士,已经是第三年了。前两天他在美国的同学给他提供了一个在美国工作的机会(是做post doc,因为老公在国内已经有了一个博士学位,到这边是不得已,又读了一个)。我承认自己很贪心,既不想让他放弃读了一半的博士学位(毕竟是北美学历啊),也不想放弃这个工作机会(也是短期的,两年合同),毕竟博士毕业后能否找到工作也还是个未知数。不知道他可不可以两边都不耽误,就是说一边去美国工作,一边继续拿下他的博士学位?我问过学校,说是如果接受那边的job offer, 就不可能是full time 的学生,但是至于能不能转成part time,还没有明确答复。我想耍点小聪明,就是不告诉学校真实情况,只是以其他理由申请off campus(理论上讲,只要开题完成,是可以不继续呆在学校的,但是不允许在外工作),然后人到美国工作。不知道我的想法可不可行?我主要担心到美国签证时有麻烦(我们现在的状态是国际学生,申请移民的材料已经递上,不过估计还有很长的路要走)。我虽然不算年轻,但社会经验不多。现在也是初步想法,希望大家多多提意见,批评的也欢迎,只是希望理由说得具体一些,再次感谢。
申请移民的材料已经递上: is it for canada or us?
even if your hubby got approved for off-campus, the prof still regards him as a full-time student, so he/she will expect him to provide progress as a full-time. That will give your hubby too much stress, i.e., he has to do two jobs at the same time. I think the best will be he does his PhD part-time.
BTW, you guys should go apply for visa first, in case your hubby can't get visa, you don't even need to worry about it. Once he gets visa, he then negotiate with the prof to be part-time.
对不起,没说清楚,我们申请的是加拿大的移民。是的,我也和先生讨论过如果同时做两份工,压力会不会太大,他倒是说不会,也许是怕我担心吧。 不过我觉得您的建议很好,应该等签证过后再和导师谈转成 part-time. 不过还有两个问题:1,这种情况(他还在读)对签证有影响吗?2。如果导师不允许part-time,那应该去美国还是留在加拿大?
I don't think so. US visa officer will evaluate your hubby's qualification(phd from China) and the job.
Depends on your plan for future. BTW, a PhD from Canada is not worth that much if you already have a PhD, unless the school is really really good. Job is more important. Though post-doc is not a real job yet, but at least it may lead you to something. I think you guys should try your luck in the US. Besides, you can always go back to Canada if you don't like the US.
And what's the deal for yourself? are u studying in Canada now? or you plan to enroll in a school in the US?
as bz said, "post-doc is not a real job yet", I doubt two-year post-doc experience with Ph.D degree from China can lead him to something. So many Ph.Ds from China are stuck in the post-doc stage for years and could not find way out. A Ph.D degree from Canada might give him bigger chance to launch a job in US although everything is not absolute, other factors like his field, his school's reputation, his abbility to interact with people, etc. can affect his future a lot.
是比较难找到工作的。学位是必要的, post-doc只是锦上添花,
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