2005-12-04 11:05:00
Didn't find the relevant info. and eager to know this to make my decision regarding job offer. thank a lot!!!
My OPT will expire in May 2006, shall I apply for H1-B of 2005 or 2006? I will got a formal offer early January,if i wanna start working in January, will H1-B2005 OR H1-B 2006 a better choice for me? feel highly confused and thank you very much for your help!
My OPT will expire in May 2006, shall I apply for H1-B of 2005 or 2006? I will got a formal offer early January,if i wanna start working in January, will H1-B2005 OR H1-B 2006 a better choice for me? feel highly confused and thank you very much for your help!
I don't think if you apply for the H1B of 2006 and you will be fine, 'cause what will you use to work between May 2006 and October 2006? The H1B of 2006 won't be effective till October 1st, which is the earliest possible day. My understanding.
I might be wrong. but my understanding is that the quotes for 2005 will expire in October 2005 and that for 2006 will expire in October 2006. Since I am going to get the offer in January 2006, I can only apply for 2006's H1-B, which is effective between October 2005 and October 2006. Let me know if i am wrong. feel more confused now......
I might be wrong. but my understanding is that the quotes for 2005 will expire in October 2005 and that for 2006 will expire in October 2006. Since I am going to get the offer in January 2006, I can only apply for 2006's H1-B, which is effective between October 2005 and October 2006. Let me know if i am wrong. feel more confused now......
I don't understand what you meant by "expire". 不过每年的H1B quota 移民局都是从前一年的4月1号开始接受申请,到10月1号截至。也就是说,2006年的quota应该是在2005年申请的,而且已经用完了。现在唯一剩下的是国会批给在美国获得硕士以上学位的人的20,000额外的名额。如果MM qualify 的话,赶紧申请这个还有一些名额。否则只能到明年的4月1号之后申请2007年的名额了。2007年的名额最早从2006年的10月1号开始生效。这就是为什么我说你5月到10月之间身份可能出现问题的原因。
I hope this clarifies and helps a little bit.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-12-4 14:49:30编辑过]
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