2006-01-14 11:35:00
投票:办绿卡谁出钱? - 多选(最多可选3项)
截止时间:2033-05-31 11:34:38
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if so, sure ask them to treat you the same...
but they may ask you to sigh some contracts if they pay for this (like work for a at least 1 yr after GC)'s all trade-off, I guess
但是我能跟公司这么说么- 因为谁谁谁的钱是公司出,所以我也应该待遇相同?
但是我能跟公司这么说么- 因为谁谁谁的钱是公司出,所以我也应该待遇相同?
I don't think it is useful to 提到别人unless your case is exact the same as that person, I mean that person has exact the same work experiece and just got promise from the company. If that person applied earlier, even if you say 谁谁谁的钱是公司出, the company may say how many years 谁谁谁had worked before the company sponsered, or you haven't worked long enough for the company, or the worest the company's policy has changed...
It is reasonable to fight for your benefit, but if your company doesn't have specific policy, be prepared to talk from your own side...and see if your boss can help you to some extent.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-1-14 23:47:15编辑过]
I don't think it is useful to 提到别人unless your case is exact the same as that person, I mean that person has exact the same work experiece and just got promise from the company. If that person applied earlier, even if you say 谁谁谁的钱是公司出, the company may say how many years 谁谁谁had worked before the company sponsered, or you haven't worked long enough for the company, or the worest the company's policy has changed...
It is reasonable to fight for your benefit, but if your company doesn't have specific policy, be prepared to talk from your own side...and see if your boss can help you to some extent.
reasonable. 其实那个同事只比我早工作半年。anyway啦,别人是别人,我也不想说别人怎么样,我就应该怎么样。觉得这么说很没有说服力。
不过就是不知道怎么开始这个谈话。我有一种感觉我老板跟我不是很对付 - 有些人天然的就合不来 - 所以跟他谈话总是很费劲。。。不过还是打算硬着头皮上,反正也不hurt什么,就是需要脸皮厚一点。
3x Alexandria mm.
3x Alexandria mm.
这个不是好兆头. 怕是和你谈的人自己也没有权利签字, 要麻烦别人. 否则有决定权的人, 应该没有这么吝啬的.
我不知道绿卡,我们公司有几个办h1的例子。之前好 个人都是自己出的钱。轮到我同学,他们也让她自己付,然后她很干脆地说如果你们不出钱我就不要这个h1了。opt结束我就走人(不过她的确不在乎哈)。然后公司就给她付了钱。轮到我的时候,我自己没说,让我上司帮我直接跟总公司的vp说,然后vp直接回信说“没问题,给她所有的材料,我们付钱”。所以我觉得你可以试试让你的上司帮你直接找最大的头说,如果他们都很喜欢你的话。一般hr都比较抠,越是职位高的人越大方。我一开始也是想了半天万一要我自己付的话怎么说,结果人家根本没当一回事。
Green card is very different from H1. Green Card is for yourself while H1 is necessary if the company wants to keep you.
I've heard different stories about Green Card and there are pros and cons if you hired your own lawyer to apply GC.
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