When F1 got married to green card
2006-02-16 13:41:00
Hi, I am an international student, and I will get married to my bf who is a greencard holder this week. Does anyone know "after we got married, do I still need to keep my F1 status until he becomes an American citizen?" Is there any good ways to get working permit? Thank you
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-16 13:43:51编辑过]
i think it would be very difficult for you to get a greencard if your hubby applies it for you. harder than if you apply for greencard on your own (and almost certain to take longer)
i don't think you are allowd to work. You don't get the working permit just because you married a GC holder.
it is very different from marrying a citizen.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-16 13:48:24编辑过]
i think it would be very difficult for you to get a greencard if your hubby applies it for you. harder than if you apply for greencard on your own (and almost certain to take longer)
i don't think you are allowd to work. You don't get the working permit just because you married a GC holder.
it is very different from marrying a citizen.
totally agree
谢谢大家的回复, 我想我还是等我LD入籍吧. 哎.继续学生生涯....
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