Help On 1040 tax return
2006-02-16 17:03:00
2005 F1 6th year + OPT. In Form 1040,Line 10:"Taxable refunds, credits, or offset of state and local income taxes. "
I will fill the state tax refunds that received for year 2004? Thank you
Reporting Taxable Refunds on Form 1040
Your tax refund from your state government may be taxable. If you claimed the standard deduction on your federal tax return last year, your state tax refund is not taxable. You can skip Form 1040 Line 10.
If you itemized your deductions on your federal tax return last year and you claimed a deduction for State and Local Taxes, then you need to figure the taxable portion of your state refund.
那个只对你要itemlize 有用。。如果你是学生。。一般来说还是那个standard deduction 减的钱多。。除非你买了房子。。
去年填的是1040 NR-EZ.就是按non-resident填的,也有个itemized deductions(就是所有的交的state tax).
今年要填1040.那我第 10行可以不用填收到的1099G表(退的state tax)。
去年填的是1040 NR-EZ.就是按non-resident填的,也有个itemized deductions(就是所有的交的state tax).
今年要填1040.那我第 10行可以不用填收到的1099G表(退的state tax)。
如果你去年报联邦税的时候,用了schedule A,填了州税地方税等等做了itemized deduction的,今年报税的时候,去年退的州税,要放在收入里面报,如果你去年用得stardand deduction,就不用。
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