三流大学CS PHD 有前途么? CS的XDJM...
2004-06-12 19:04:00
前两年在三流大学混了个MS (CS), 现在是觉得越来越不济了, 不知道接着把PHD念完对将来会不会多条路? 可是好多人都说PHD学校不好就是白费力气, 那破校PHD到底有没有活路呀? 能去更破的校教书么? 有进公司的先例么? 或者RESEARCH往BIO上靠, 然后混进个BIOINFORMATICS公司? 是不是BIOINFORMATICS 也是泡沫呀? 各位半路学CS的XDJM, 我咋觉得工作没前途, 读书也没前途呢? 能教教我你们是怎么保持乐观的吗, 谢谢啦.
要看你说的前途是指什么了. 是说有工作机会? 还是工资待遇更好(合算)? 还是更适合你自己. 对应的答案应该不同吧.
是指有安全感的工作吧, 能干到很大年纪的那种, 最好不需要时时疲于奔命的学新东西不染就担心被炒, 工资尚可就行了, 是不是作梦呀:(
以下是引用magicflute在2004-6-13 0:34:56的发言:
是指有安全感的工作吧, 能干到很大年纪的那种, 最好不需要时时疲于奔命的学新东西不染就担心被炒, 工资尚可就行了, 是不是作梦呀:(
是指有安全感的工作吧, 能干到很大年纪的那种, 最好不需要时时疲于奔命的学新东西不染就担心被炒, 工资尚可就行了, 是不是作梦呀:(
This is typical life for a Ph.D, I guess.
以下是引用cerium在2004-6-14 13:54:44的发言:
以下是引用magicflute在2004-6-13 0:34:56的发言:
是指有安全感的工作吧, 能干到很大年纪的那种, 最好不需要时时疲于奔命的学新东西不染就担心被炒, 工资尚可就行了, 是不是作梦呀:(
This is typical life for a Ph.D, I guess.
就怕成为待业PHD呀, 对学校没什么信心 ,而且CS不比其他, 好像PHD需求量不大?
yeah, you can go to teach in a small school,depends on if you are good.
Find a job also possible bah.
This years's faculty market is not very good, but 2 years ago it is still good.
s after u grad,maybe the market picks up again, u never know what's going to happen, do sth you like bah.
Find a job also possible bah.
This years's faculty market is not very good, but 2 years ago it is still good.
s after u grad,maybe the market picks up again, u never know what's going to happen, do sth you like bah.
i don't think faculty's market will be better because there are soooooo many
PHd-to-bes during these years.
it is too hard to find a job for cs master, so ppl just stay in university for phds,
and professors don't have chances to Industry as well, inputs only, no outputs,
what result can we expect? sigh
PHd-to-bes during these years.
it is too hard to find a job for cs master, so ppl just stay in university for phds,
and professors don't have chances to Industry as well, inputs only, no outputs,
what result can we expect? sigh
唉, 如你所说,随大流没有好果子吃, 但是俺怎么总发现自己身不由己得随波逐流了呢
but job market is picking up right?
so some people may go out and find a job instead of doing PHD.
so some people may go out and find a job instead of doing PHD.
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