I do have some suggestions:
1 paragraph
You can use a better verb or phrase than "goes by", for example, "pop out"? Choose a verb to express your surprise.
3 paragraph
The scenery/description is not vivid enough, too bland for me.
4 paragraph
The word "we" is too sudden. I suppose you refer to the "who" in the 1 paragraph? There is not enough reference of the person or people you ask for response? Maybe add a paragraph for them?
"Blue" and "sad" mean similar feelings. " blue" is a better word than "sad" though if you want to get rid of one of them.
I do like your word choices such as recollect and uneasily hesitate, which evoke feelings out of me when I read them.
servien 发表于 4/22/2015 2:11:02 PM [url=][/url]
1 paragraph
You can use a better verb or phrase than "goes by", for example, "pop out"? Choose a verb to express your surprise.
3 paragraph
The scenery/description is not vivid enough, too bland for me.
4 paragraph
The word "we" is too sudden. I suppose you refer to the "who" in the 1 paragraph? There is not enough reference of the person or people you ask for response? Maybe add a paragraph for them?
"Blue" and "sad" mean similar feelings. " blue" is a better word than "sad" though if you want to get rid of one of them.
I do like your word choices such as recollect and uneasily hesitate, which evoke feelings out of me when I read them.
servien 发表于 4/22/2015 2:11:02 PM [url=][/url]
非常感谢您的点评, 嗯,这才是我想要的! 英文写,肯定不如中文来的那么如意,这是。。。 你说的有道理。 不过goes by 有种缓缓和静谧的神秘感, pop out 破坏了这种神秘色彩。 blue是忧郁的意思多了, sad是悲伤。 其实这个blue是一语双用, 和前面白云遥相呼应, 有蓝天的意思。。 所谓情景融合。。。
evoke feels, touch heart, 那就说明是一首好的作品。。。谢谢!
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