Story of summer interns
2004-08-04 09:17:00
I have met many undergraduate interns this summer. They all grew up in American.
Freshman: a Boy, Working at packaging department. $9/hour, 6 hours a day. Get local job by parent contact or advertisement. Understand that there is no easy money.
Sophomore: Boys and Girls, working at chemistry laborotories in industry. $18/hour, 8 hours a day. ALmost all of them were refered by peer professors. They took party of interns almost every week. None of them would take a laboratory job in the future.
Junior: a girl from MIT, working at major finance company in NYC, $25/hour, 12 hours a day. Get the offer from competative interviews during Janurary and alumni reference. She is thrilled on her job and wanna to stay. There is party almost every week such as Yankee games, site viewing.
Freshman: a Boy, Working at packaging department. $9/hour, 6 hours a day. Get local job by parent contact or advertisement. Understand that there is no easy money.
Sophomore: Boys and Girls, working at chemistry laborotories in industry. $18/hour, 8 hours a day. ALmost all of them were refered by peer professors. They took party of interns almost every week. None of them would take a laboratory job in the future.
Junior: a girl from MIT, working at major finance company in NYC, $25/hour, 12 hours a day. Get the offer from competative interviews during Janurary and alumni reference. She is thrilled on her job and wanna to stay. There is party almost every week such as Yankee games, site viewing.
以下是引用eggspig在2004-8-4 10:37:42的发言:
wait for more...
Just so so, some statistics. Not sure how to dig the hole further.
maybe you can tell us their job performance?
以下是引用popbeans在2004-8-4 13:36:33的发言:
maybe you can tell us their job performance?
maybe you can tell us their job performance?
The freshman boy is complaining about the working load and pay.
Most of those sophomores did nothing but breaking stuff.
The Junior is working on some smala amount trading following models. The profit would be a couple of thousand everyday, plus or minus.
以下是引用cerium在2004-8-4 14:19:25的发言:
The Junior is working on some smala amount trading following models. The profit would be a couple of thousand everyday, plus or minus.
The Junior is working on some smala amount trading following models. The profit would be a couple of thousand everyday, plus or minus.
the junior one already earns very decent money (80k/yr), //envy~~~
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-8-4 16:55:28编辑过]
以下是引用justag在2004-8-4 16:54:16的发言:
the junior one already earns very decent money (80k/yr), //envy~~~
the junior one already earns very decent money (80k/yr), //envy~~~
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-8-4 16:55:28编辑过]
haha :-)
以下是引用maygloria在2004-8-4 11:41:55的发言:
以下是引用eggspig在2004-8-4 10:37:42的发言:
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