2004-08-11 15:01:00
以下是引用瓜子在2004-8-11 16:20:22的发言:
sorry. 瓜子 jj. I forgot to find the picture for you... I promise, I will try to remember it today. So busy these days. always took work home....
yeah. Here I am. Thanks a lot for thinking of me. :)
I am all right. Kinda on the down side of my life, but things are going. I don't know how long
I need to get over my problem totally, but I have to keep my life going, with or without him. No
matter what, I don't come to states just to date him. :)
For the matter on the other BBS, you can just ignore it. Sometimes you cannot expect everyone to
understand. At least here on huaren, people like you. I think you are a great girl. :) See, I
always use English because my Chinese typing is awfully slow and I am using an operating system
where typing Chines is not fun. Just do things in the way you prefer, as long as it doesn't hurt
others. What do you think?
I am all right. Kinda on the down side of my life, but things are going. I don't know how long
I need to get over my problem totally, but I have to keep my life going, with or without him. No
matter what, I don't come to states just to date him. :)
For the matter on the other BBS, you can just ignore it. Sometimes you cannot expect everyone to
understand. At least here on huaren, people like you. I think you are a great girl. :) See, I
always use English because my Chinese typing is awfully slow and I am using an operating system
where typing Chines is not fun. Just do things in the way you prefer, as long as it doesn't hurt
others. What do you think?
BTW, I like this post. Think you may like to see it.
The writing is not perfect but I like it anyway.
The writing is not perfect but I like it anyway.
以下是引用mkgirl在2004-8-11 17:40:05的发言:
yeah. Here I am. Thanks a lot for thinking of me. :)
I am all right. Kinda on the down side of my life, but things are going. I don't know how long
I need to get over my problem totally, but I have to keep my life going, with or without him. No
matter what, I don't come to states just to date him. :)
For the matter on the other BBS, you can just ignore it. Sometimes you cannot expect everyone to
understand. At least here on huaren, people like you. I think you are a great girl. :) See, I
always use English because my Chinese typing is awfully slow and I am using an operating system
where typing Chines is not fun. Just do things in the way you prefer, as long as it doesn't hurt
others. What do you think?
yeah. Here I am. Thanks a lot for thinking of me. :)
I am all right. Kinda on the down side of my life, but things are going. I don't know how long
I need to get over my problem totally, but I have to keep my life going, with or without him. No
matter what, I don't come to states just to date him. :)
For the matter on the other BBS, you can just ignore it. Sometimes you cannot expect everyone to
understand. At least here on huaren, people like you. I think you are a great girl. :) See, I
always use English because my Chinese typing is awfully slow and I am using an operating system
where typing Chines is not fun. Just do things in the way you prefer, as long as it doesn't hurt
others. What do you think?
great hearing from you, and great hearing that everything is fine with you.
I totally understand what you are saying, and don't be so harsh on yourself. Things will get better and better, the next person you will meet will be better too.
However, things may not go on the direction you lead to sometimes, time to make a change now. Am I right? See.. after going through so many things, I have never been so happier. Also, be strong. Sometimes you may suprise by yourself how strong you could be.
Thanks for words to comfort me.. haha..
As the other friends in Huaren, I am always be here for you.
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