Could you find some examples about violating the honor code in your school? I know some from the undergraduate students I TAed before. I think that you could tell her about these kind of true things. Hopefully she could understand that cheating is a serious issue here.
if I were you,
just tell her directly
if she can not understand you
and push you away
then she is not worth being your friend
I have met this situation before
and I did the opposite
I gave all my homework to her
I don't think she still remember this thing
I feel very bad
Will NOT do that even one more time!!!
just tell her directly
if she can not understand you
and push you away
then she is not worth being your friend
I have met this situation before
and I did the opposite
I gave all my homework to her
I don't think she still remember this thing
I feel very bad
Will NOT do that even one more time!!!
you must say no to her. Honor code is serious.
if she's new in America, it's better to tell her a white lie than explain why you don't want to give her the old coursework and exams...
I think it's all right to tell her you lost all your materials when moving.
I think it's all right to tell her you lost all your materials when moving.
thanks all for your kindly reponse. I decide to tell her directly that I can't lend her the homeworks but I 'll be happy to answers any questions she may have.
She has been in US for over 3 years, I guess she'll understand the consequence.
She has been in US for over 3 years, I guess she'll understand the consequence.
以下是引用bbcat在2004-9-3 16:46:53的发言:
thanks all for your kindly reponse. I decide to tell her directly that I can't lend her the homeworks but I 'll be happy to answers any questions she may have.
She has been in US for over 3 years, I guess she'll understand the consequence.
thanks all for your kindly reponse. I decide to tell her directly that I can't lend her the homeworks but I 'll be happy to answers any questions she may have.
She has been in US for over 3 years, I guess she'll understand the consequence.
That's a really good way~:)
support you!!!
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