有一天去给小外甥买衣服, 正蹲下来看底架的东西的时候,就觉得有个脑袋在我旁边晃来晃去, 当时还觉得纳闷(因为我是蹲着的), 等我定眼一看, 一个好CUTE的小娃娃, 然后反应上来...哦, 我在童装店呢...和和
以下是引用bearandyyy在2004-11-5 22:25:38的发言:
我和LD都很喜欢BB,平时去MALL里就喜欢逛童装店,ON SALE的BB装已经蹲了不少了,反正以后肯定用得着...嘿嘿
我和LD都很喜欢BB,平时去MALL里就喜欢逛童装店,ON SALE的BB装已经蹲了不少了,反正以后肯定用得着...嘿嘿
俺的想法是,有了小娃娃以后,去做legal aid或什么人权组织之类的地方工作,这样上下班时间会比较宽松一点.
俺的想法是,有了小娃娃以后,去做legal aid或什么人权组织之类的地方工作,这样上下班时间会比较宽松一点.
有了孩子是真麻烦.孩子小的时候多半要先牺牲事业当主妇了.或者兼职吧,FULL TIME工作是没戏了.
That is the American tradition that most wives choose to stay home after having babies. I think if you have more than two childen, of course that is better. But not necessarily if you only consider having one child. Look at our parents, most them don't have the idea that women should stay at home after having children, and they all handle well.
以下是引用evenstar在2004-11-6 11:32:40的发言:以后娃娃生下来,由他负责LL,檫PP和晚上换尿库之类的脏活;俺虽然很喜欢小孩,八过俺比较怕PP和SS
Agree. I simply can't understand why girls with at least master degrees want to stay at home to be fulltime moms. It's definitely not good for your future careers.
btw,several moms in our office are working full-time. Their husbands are very supportive and would like to take responsiblities to raise kids together.
Why can't the girl work and the guy stays at home?
btw,several moms in our office are working full-time. Their husbands are very supportive and would like to take responsiblities to raise kids together.
Why can't the girl work and the guy stays at home?
以下是引用sagogo在2004-11-6 21:28:53的发言:
That is the American tradition that most wives choose to stay home after having babies. I think if you have more than two childen, of course that is better. But not necessarily if you only consider having one child. Look at our parents, most them don't have the idea that women should stay at home after having children, and they all handle well.
That is the American tradition that most wives choose to stay home after having babies. I think if you have more than two childen, of course that is better. But not necessarily if you only consider having one child. Look at our parents, most them don't have the idea that women should stay at home after having children, and they all handle well.
我很喜欢BB,劳工受我的影响也越加喜欢小孩了. 努力明年也生上一个吧.
i think that depends on the situation at the time when you gonna have a baby. choose the one which will benifit or be suitable most for your family, maybe as a full-time mom, or part-time or full-time. it all depends.
我觉得工作是一定要的,这样可以保持和社会不脱节,不过最好是压力比较小的工作。part-time 也不错。这样整个家庭的生活质量会高得多。
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