[此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-22 11:50:37编辑过]
以下是引用robinsnow在2004-11-22 11:43:22的发言:
这是个好建议. 一般子女从小到大受父母的行为方式的影响, 身上总是要带很多父母的处事习惯的, 尤其是从他父亲的身上, 也许你就可以预测到他将来是什么样子的呢. (这个基本上是俺妈的结论, 经俺观察, 正确率很高喔!)
take it easy if you 'trust' him
but no one can tell you to what degree he is "trustful"
ask yourself whether you enjoy being with him despite his past. if you do, forgive him. if not, give yourself one more chance...
but no one can tell you to what degree he is "trustful"
ask yourself whether you enjoy being with him despite his past. if you do, forgive him. if not, give yourself one more chance...
Five month is not enough to know whether a person could be your husband. You guys should spend more time knowing each other before thanking about marriage
这个是有点MESSY, MM应该慎重. 话虽说是他对你的态度最重要, 但是他的这种情况确实是个很大隐患. 平时看看SPRINGER的SHOW, 发现美国的男女问题确实有一些很混乱,很NASTY的. 这时候就靠你的判断能力了. 不要全相信BF的话, 多从其他方面找线索来判断他的为人吧.
就象你很想进一个屋子, 但是里面可能有炸弹. 你只能靠自己来判断炸弹的真实性, 或者为了保平安, 干脆放弃进这个屋子的想法. 因为如果真的有人要炸你, 他肯定不会提前告诉你的. 其实人生很多时候是在赌博, 你就是那个GAMBLER.
就象你很想进一个屋子, 但是里面可能有炸弹. 你只能靠自己来判断炸弹的真实性, 或者为了保平安, 干脆放弃进这个屋子的想法. 因为如果真的有人要炸你, 他肯定不会提前告诉你的. 其实人生很多时候是在赌博, 你就是那个GAMBLER.
以下是引用VOGUE在2004-11-22 12:19:08的发言:
Five month is not enough to know whether a person could be your husband. You guys should spend more time knowing each other before thanking about marriage
Five month is not enough to know whether a person could be your husband. You guys should spend more time knowing each other before thanking about marriage
this is very correct. Giving a relationship longer time to test it is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy important. This is the golden rule of thumb.
have to agree with u on that
以下是引用SHDF在2004-11-22 8:41:15的发言:
有些中国女生到了国外,只能用一个字形容: 很见!
有些中国女生到了国外,只能用一个字形容: 很见!
Thank you for all ur suggestions. The jms in Huaren are really nice. I can not input Chinese now so sorry for that.
I really love my boyfriend. And i think he also love me. We really have good time together. He said he was scared to loose me. That is the reason he told me until now. But he did not wanna lie to me, so he tell me now. He hope me to forget this thing. He will take care of it. He will be responsible to it and he does not wanna me involve it. Although he does not have too much money, he just graduated from the university as a Bachelar, he will give me the best life and give me what i want. I believe what he said. But i think i still need some time to get familiar this reality that he has a daughter.
I really love my boyfriend. And i think he also love me. We really have good time together. He said he was scared to loose me. That is the reason he told me until now. But he did not wanna lie to me, so he tell me now. He hope me to forget this thing. He will take care of it. He will be responsible to it and he does not wanna me involve it. Although he does not have too much money, he just graduated from the university as a Bachelar, he will give me the best life and give me what i want. I believe what he said. But i think i still need some time to get familiar this reality that he has a daughter.
Spiderman 这个说得很好,省得偶再 type 了。
以下是引用homosapiens在2004-11-22 12:23:49的发言:
这个是有点MESSY, MM应该慎重. 话虽说是他对你的态度最重要, 但是他的这种情况确实是个很大隐患. 平时看看SPRINGER的SHOW, 发现美国的男女问题确实有一些很混乱,很NASTY的. 这时候就靠你的判断能力了. 不要全相信BF的话, 多从其他方面找线索来判断他的为人吧.
就象你很想进一个屋子, 但是里面可能有炸弹. 你只能靠自己来判断炸弹的真实性, 或者为了保平安, 干脆放弃进这个屋子的想法. 因为如果真的有人要炸你, 他肯定不会提前告诉你的. 其实人生很多时候是在赌博, 你就是那个GAMBLER.
这个是有点MESSY, MM应该慎重. 话虽说是他对你的态度最重要, 但是他的这种情况确实是个很大隐患. 平时看看SPRINGER的SHOW, 发现美国的男女问题确实有一些很混乱,很NASTY的. 这时候就靠你的判断能力了. 不要全相信BF的话, 多从其他方面找线索来判断他的为人吧.
就象你很想进一个屋子, 但是里面可能有炸弹. 你只能靠自己来判断炸弹的真实性, 或者为了保平安, 干脆放弃进这个屋子的想法. 因为如果真的有人要炸你, 他肯定不会提前告诉你的. 其实人生很多时候是在赌博, 你就是那个GAMBLER.
小心点儿。这个child support可是一笔大钱。
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