2004-09-27 23:09:00
Carrie: Men in their forties are like the New York Times Sunday crossword puzzle: tricky, complicated, and you're never really sure you got the right answer.
Carrie: It was a typical downtown male mix. Ten percent Wall Street, ten percent real estate, and ten percent [Samantha had] already slept with.
Charlotte: My marriage is a fake Fendi!
Carrie: I like my money right where I can see it: hanging in my closet.
Charlotte: Do you have another?
Carrie: Ladies, I am not Tampax central. Put on list: buy tampons.
Charlotte: Well, I have them at home but they won't fit in my Kate Spade purse.
Miranda: Wow—Kate must have a tiny vagina.
Carrie: It's over for me. Here lies Carrie. She had two loves and lots 'o' shoes.
[Charlotte has just discovered that Samantha has slept with her brother Wesley]
Charlotte (to Samantha): Is your vagina in the New York City guidebooks? Because it should be - it's the hottest spot in town - it's always open.
Carrie: No matter who broke your heart, or how long it takes to heal, you'll never get through it without your friends.
Charlotte: [After the wedding] I finally get to sleep with Trey.
Carrie: Excuse me?
Miranda: You haven't slept with him yet?
Samantha: Honey, before you buy the car you take it for a test drive!
Carrie: I'm homeless! I'll be a bag lady! A Fendi bag lady, but a bag lady!!
Carrie: I don't believe in e-mail. I'm an old-fashioned girl. I prefer calling and hanging up.
[Upon seeing a firefighter stripper]
Samantha : Hello, 911. I'm on fire.
Carrie : The only thing I've ever successfully made in the kitchen is a mess. And several small fires.
Charlotte: Is it safe to buy pot from strangers?
Carrie: They're not strangers. They're our new friends with pot.
Samantha: Normal is the halfway point between what you want and what you can get.
Carrie: Men in their forties are like the New York Times Sunday crossword puzzle: tricky, complicated, and you're never really sure you got the right answer.
Carrie: It was a typical downtown male mix. Ten percent Wall Street, ten percent real estate, and ten percent [Samantha had] already slept with.
Charlotte: My marriage is a fake Fendi!
Carrie: I like my money right where I can see it: hanging in my closet.
Charlotte: Do you have another?
Carrie: Ladies, I am not Tampax central. Put on list: buy tampons.
Charlotte: Well, I have them at home but they won't fit in my Kate Spade purse.
Miranda: Wow—Kate must have a tiny vagina.
Carrie: It's over for me. Here lies Carrie. She had two loves and lots 'o' shoes.
[Charlotte has just discovered that Samantha has slept with her brother Wesley]
Charlotte (to Samantha): Is your vagina in the New York City guidebooks? Because it should be - it's the hottest spot in town - it's always open.
Carrie: No matter who broke your heart, or how long it takes to heal, you'll never get through it without your friends.
Charlotte: [After the wedding] I finally get to sleep with Trey.
Carrie: Excuse me?
Miranda: You haven't slept with him yet?
Samantha: Honey, before you buy the car you take it for a test drive!
Carrie: I'm homeless! I'll be a bag lady! A Fendi bag lady, but a bag lady!!
Carrie: I don't believe in e-mail. I'm an old-fashioned girl. I prefer calling and hanging up.
[Upon seeing a firefighter stripper]
Samantha : Hello, 911. I'm on fire.
Carrie : The only thing I've ever successfully made in the kitchen is a mess. And several small fires.
Charlotte: Is it safe to buy pot from strangers?
Carrie: They're not strangers. They're our new friends with pot.
Samantha: Normal is the halfway point between what you want and what you can get.
Carrie: There are 1.3 million single men in New York, 1.8 million single women, and of these more than 3 million people, about 12 think they're having enough sex.
Carrie: You've heard those stories about affairs where people realize how great their other relationship is and end it without anyone being the wiser.
Miranda: I don't watch Lifetime television for women.
Sanford: It's so brutal out there. Even guys like me don't want guys like me. I just don't have that gay look.
Carrie: I dunno, you look pretty gay to me. C'mon, maybe it's just a phase.
Stanford: Puberty is a phase. Fifteen years of rejection is a lifestyle.
Samantha: I don't believe in the Republican party or the Democratic party. I just believe in parties.
Miranda: It's amazing. In a courtroom, reasonable doubt can get you off for murder. In an engagement, it makes you feel like a bad person.
Charlotte: Miranda has a son!
Samantha: Just what the world needs: another man.
Stanford: I can only stay a few minutes. I got tickets to the Vagina Monologues.
Carrie: Why?
Stanford: Just because I don't eat at the restaurant doesn't mean I can't hear the specials.
Carrie: I had often fantasized about running into my ex and his wife. But in those fantasies, I was running over them with a truck.
Charlotte: I just don't understand. How could you forget someone you slept with?
Carrie: Toto, I don't think we're in single digits anymore.
Carrie: Men who are good looking are never good in bed because they never had to be.
Miranda: I do not want [a baby] eventually and my clock is running out... I mean, I've only got like a million viable eggs left.
Carrie: Three hundred of which we just killed with those martinis at lunch.
Carrie, about her date: He's not that young.
Miranda: He's twenty-six. His generation has a totally different letter than ours.
Sean (while ice-skating with Carrie): I'm guessing it's easier to balance when you're not smoking.
Carrie: Smoking is the only thing that keeps me balanced.
Miranda : You haven't had a crush since Big.
Carrie : Big wasn't a crush. He was a crash.
Samantha : The country runs better with a good looking man in the White House. I mean, look what happened with Nixon; no one wanted to fuck him, so he fucked everyone.
Carrie: You've heard those stories about affairs where people realize how great their other relationship is and end it without anyone being the wiser.
Miranda: I don't watch Lifetime television for women.
Sanford: It's so brutal out there. Even guys like me don't want guys like me. I just don't have that gay look.
Carrie: I dunno, you look pretty gay to me. C'mon, maybe it's just a phase.
Stanford: Puberty is a phase. Fifteen years of rejection is a lifestyle.
Samantha: I don't believe in the Republican party or the Democratic party. I just believe in parties.
Miranda: It's amazing. In a courtroom, reasonable doubt can get you off for murder. In an engagement, it makes you feel like a bad person.
Charlotte: Miranda has a son!
Samantha: Just what the world needs: another man.
Stanford: I can only stay a few minutes. I got tickets to the Vagina Monologues.
Carrie: Why?
Stanford: Just because I don't eat at the restaurant doesn't mean I can't hear the specials.
Carrie: I had often fantasized about running into my ex and his wife. But in those fantasies, I was running over them with a truck.
Charlotte: I just don't understand. How could you forget someone you slept with?
Carrie: Toto, I don't think we're in single digits anymore.
Carrie: Men who are good looking are never good in bed because they never had to be.
Miranda: I do not want [a baby] eventually and my clock is running out... I mean, I've only got like a million viable eggs left.
Carrie: Three hundred of which we just killed with those martinis at lunch.
Carrie, about her date: He's not that young.
Miranda: He's twenty-six. His generation has a totally different letter than ours.
Sean (while ice-skating with Carrie): I'm guessing it's easier to balance when you're not smoking.
Carrie: Smoking is the only thing that keeps me balanced.
Miranda : You haven't had a crush since Big.
Carrie : Big wasn't a crush. He was a crash.
Samantha : The country runs better with a good looking man in the White House. I mean, look what happened with Nixon; no one wanted to fuck him, so he fucked everyone.
以下是引用ayanami在2004-9-27 23:34:51的发言:
赫赫,偶只记得 Absol--****--utely了
我还记得Sam那个Mt. Everest
我还记得Sam那个Mt. Everest
以下是引用yyww在2004-9-27 23:57:11的发言:
赫赫,偶只记得 Absol--****--utely了
赫赫,偶只记得 Absol--****--utely了
以下是引用yyww在2004-9-27 23:57:11的发言:
赫赫,偶只记得 Absol--****--utely了
赫赫,偶只记得 Absol--****--utely了
big 说的时候真的好帅 :P
hia hia, mao.....
以下是引用Chanel在2004-9-27 23:58:59的发言:
我还记得Sam那个Mt. Everest
我还记得Sam那个Mt. Everest
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