2004-12-17 13:46:00
没看过第一季,那个“bad woman”omarosa到底干了什么坏事情?为什么大家都很讨厌她呢?前两天看一个叫bad women in reality show的节目,omarosa还说自己曾是多项选美大赛的冠军。我怎么就看不出来她有多漂亮呢?我觉得这次的黑stacy比她好看不少啊。
不过这么omarosa说话一点儿也没有african american的口音,那次在那个bad women in reality shows里面看她对自己的“辉煌历史”侃侃而谈,细声细气的,还一点儿口音没有。她自己说小时候生活环境不好。这让我想到赫本演的“窈窕淑女”
还有那个howie stern show里面的robin也是,一开始在电台里听还以为是个白人中年妇女,开了电视才知道也是个black sister。真是不得了:)
I think Jen is very good at debating and argument, she won every time in the board room except the last one. She could always make her competitor angry to death, lost words, shaking head, she always came really strong in terms of critisizing other people and promoting herself. These element could make her a good lawyer, but not necessary a good CEO.
I think Jen is very good at debating and argument, she won every time in the board room except the last one. She could always make her competitor angry to death, lost words, shaking head, she always came really strong in terms of critisizing other people and promoting herself. These element could make her a good lawyer, but not necessary a good CEO.
Jenn's disadvantage was that she didn't really have business world experience. A lawyer is very different from a business executive. She's very analytical, highly educated and detailed, but what she lacks is creativity and leadership ability. I have no doubt she'll be a succesful lawyer.
还是老 trump 说的好,"very difficult to decide",
因为这届两个 final candidates 都很差劲。
在上届的话,Jen 和 Kelly 前 4 名都进不去。上届的 Bill 比他俩强太多了。
还是老 trump 说的好,"very difficult to decide",
因为这届两个 final candidates 都很差劲。
在上届的话,Jen 和 Kelly 前 4 名都进不去。上届的 Bill 比他俩强太多了。
I agree
Jenn's disadvantage was that she didn't really have business world experience. A lawyer is very different from a business executive. She's very analytical, highly educated and detailed, but what she lacks is creativity and leadership ability. I have no doubt she'll be a succesful lawyer.
说得很对啊。。。她的执行能力很强但是没有自己的creativity and leadership ability。 里面已经不止一次的看到她能很出色的完成任务但是却只能是别人告诉她去做什么她去做。所以就像最后里面说的,她是一个你可以一直去和她一起工作的人,而不是一个CEO.。
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