有在wisconsin madison的吗, 问一下
2005-04-23 22:37:00
这个学校是semester制吗, 学校RA只给$13400一年, 好像还要自己交一个segregation fee, 一个学期要300$呢, 真是担心够不够. 有同学可以提供一下信息吗? 不知道health insurance 大概要交多少啊? 还有住宿费和消费高不高啊? 另外冬天是不是很冷很长啊.
这个学校是semester制吗, 学校RA只给$13400一年, 好像还要自己交一个segregation fee, 一个学期要300$呢, 真是担心够不够. 有同学可以提供一下信息吗? 还有 另外冬天是不是很冷很长啊.
1. 不知道health insurance 大概要交多少啊?
It depends on the health care plan you choose, and depends on whether you have family members. If single, you can choose some plans which you actually pay nothing.
2. 住宿费和消费高不高啊?
Economic housing: $400-500 studio/one-bed room; $340-380 onebedroom in a twobedroom apt.
3. 冬天是不是很冷很长啊. Unfortunately, yes.
As long as you have an RA or TA, your job pays for your health insurance. The SHIP insurance is one of the best among all US schools. It covers dental and orthodontics.
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