请问没有local 电话可以装dsl吗?
2005-06-04 14:01:00
现在用的是comcast cable model, 觉得太贵了, 光上网就要$45/month, 看到yahoo的dsl 才15, 有点动心。可是我们家没有local 电话, 人手一个手机。
dsl的速度对我来说足够了, 因为我几乎不下载电影什么的。
除了dial up, 什么都可以忍受, 我几乎从来没有用过dial up, 一开始就用的dsl。
我觉得我用的time warner cable慢得要s阿。自从我用了这个之后,时时刻刻都在怀念verizon的dsl
I had a local phone and dsl before, but I wanted to cancel the phone service coz I just got a cellphone. So I called the phone company and they asked me what I'm gonna to use for the internet then. I told them I HAVE to change to their competiter. Of course they don't want to lose customer, so what they did is they changed my phone plan from unlimited call to "meter" call (8cent/min to call out, no charge for call in, but since I don't really need to use that phone to call out, so it doesn't really matter), that costs ~$5/month, and they gave me a discount for dsl from 29.99->19.99 per month.
So the take home message is: you can ask for a cheaper phone plan to get dsl.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-6-4 16:25:29编辑过]
DSL需要电话线来传输信号,没有电话线当然不行,CABLE MODEM也要线不是,
这个大家当然知道,大家都是学工科的,这点常识还是有的。 谁家里没有电话线阿, 只不过想问可不可以只交dsl的钱不交电话的费用--如果不打电话的话。
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