以下是引用halehawk在2005-3-28 12:26:00的发言:
I lived wuhan for my first 20 years, then left wuhan for 12 years. Itis so different now. I don't know if I can say I am a wuhan ren or not.
I lived wuhan for my first 20 years, then left wuhan for 12 years. Itis so different now. I don't know if I can say I am a wuhan ren or not.
算得 算得, 20年应该很有感情了...
I only remembered the food in those pictures and don't know all the newscenes and buildings. I only went back once and only played in EastLake.
thanks, Lao xiang.
Haha, I'm coming back to Wuhan this summer :)
以下是引用halehawk在2005-3-28 12:39:00的发言:
thanks, Lao xiang.
thanks, Lao xiang.
hah, 其实我才不算武汉人呢, 只是在哪读过几年书,不过家离武汉也不远......
以下是引用hiking在2005-3-28 12:43:00的发言:
Haha, I'm coming back to Wuhan this summer :)
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-3-28 12:47:09编辑过]
I have the same feeling when I just left wuhan. But when I visited
wuhan and had a fight with a ugly saleswoman, I don't like it any more.
wuhan and had a fight with a ugly saleswoman, I don't like it any more.
以下是引用halehawk在2005-3-28 12:50:00的发言:
I have the same feeling when I just left wuhan. But when I visited
wuhan and had a fight with a ugly saleswoman, I don't like it any more.
I have the same feeling when I just left wuhan. But when I visited
wuhan and had a fight with a ugly saleswoman, I don't like it any more.
可能我是个俗人,就是怀念那里的俗气,生活气息... haha...
你这么一说我倒想起来了,每次去买东西,如果是要还价的话,都很不爽, 总觉得被人宰了...
南瓜猫221, could you please tell me how to quote the words you said? I clicked quote, but nothing was quote at all.
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