我昨天申请了,希望快点通过,因为5%cash back的截至日期是9/30。
Our university charges some extra fee if pay tuition and fees by the credit card.
忘了再说一下,他们5%cash back的上限是2000刀,也就是说哪怕你交两万块的学费也只有2000刀有5%cash back,不过总比没有的好。希望明年还有这个优惠。
不过喜欢逛街的mm目前也可以用这个卡,marshall,tjmaxx,gap,prei 1,koehls等几个店到9月30号都是5% cash back。
Our university charges some extra fee if pay tuition and fees by the credit card.
I did not get this 5% last year though I paid my fee using discover card (it had 5% too for tuition part at that time). However, in the statement this transaction was classified under 'government' category instead of education/tuition. I called discover and was told that the reason may be our university is a State university. You may try a small transaction first and see if it qualifies. Otherwise, using some other 2% cashback card will be better than nothing.
我打电话申请, 被问是不是美国公民, 如果不是就申请不了. 后来LG打算网上申请, 结果发现也有这个选项.
请问有这个卡的JMS, 你们是怎么申请的? 或者你们是公民吗?
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