2005-08-16 04:08:00
比如说有1,2,3,4,5个property需要rank,然后求mean 分别得到5个means。请问怎样知道这些means significantly different? 我想要这些means分成几个clusters。每个cluster里的means 不sig different from each other;but one property in one cluster is sig different from the property in another cluster.
能用repeated measurement ANOVA吗?我用了里面的pairwise comparison, 只能得到一对对的结果,不能分成几个clusters 。
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-8-16 4:11:28编辑过]
ttest is only good for paired comparison. For comparison among three or more than three populations, i guess you might want to use MANOVA or GLM? But both have very strict assupmtions.
hehe. I am curious right now. Hope some statistics guru can solve the problem very soon.
我也想用这个阿,可是repeated meausre ANOVA不能用post hoc,反正执行不了。
ttest is only good for paired comparison. For comparison among three or more than three populations, i guess you might want to use MANOVA or GLM? But both have very strict assupmtions.
hehe. I am curious right now. Hope some statistics guru can solve the problem very soon.
shanshan, are u in statistics
ttest is only good for paired comparison. For comparison among three or more than three populations, i guess you might want to use MANOVA or GLM? But both have very strict assupmtions.
I don't have dependent variables ya...
shanshan, are u in statistics
hehe. i see .
you might have panel data.
are you using spss? I guess stata might have some useful function. Can not recall the details. I need to go back and check.
if you want to use post hoc in three+ group comparison, stata can do this with ANOVA.
not quite sure about other statistics softwares.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-8-16 11:45:16编辑过]
if you want to use post hoc in three+ group comparison, stata can do this with ANOVA.
not quite sure about other statistics softwares.
really? I don't have stata software. Let me go back and check if I can find some trial version! Thank you so much, shanshan
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