2005-10-10 20:30:00
刚拿到一个OFFER, 看了看公司给提供的医疗保险选项, 最便宜的是$400 (包配偶的), 公司再添加$200. 怎么觉得这么贵呢.看了看包的项目,和做学生(TA) 时候的保险差不多, 可那时每个月总共才扣$70. 是不是因为学校帮添的钱占绝大部分呢?
另外发现, 公司的保险,如果只买自己的, 是$80, 相当于配偶一个人是$320. 贵也就贵在这了. 是不是配偶的保险应该在外面的公司买呢?
我们家现在是两个人一个月80, 包括所有的, medical, vision, dental...
明年要涨到两个人一个月100。有了宝宝后改成family plan, 每个月会变成150, 555, 要努力多挣银子才行。
看了看, 那$400只包medical, vision, dental还要另外买, 相比之下,你们的保险太好了. 我实在是想不明白为什么我的保险这么贵.
This depends on your company's benefits program. Some companies have really good program such as MS, Google. My company is also very good:no out-of-pocket money, no copay. As far as I know,for most companies,if you have your family member elect the medical+vision+dental plan, you need to pay additional $100-$200 per person.I just saw this data last week:) Also, benefits are more expensive in northeast than the rest of the U.S.
现在的医疗保险越来越贵,employers的对策一是增加premium, 二是减少coverage/benefit, 情况就是如此。。。mm以前的学校如果是州立的, ta/ra算是state employee, 很多benefit是state来compensate, 并非学校,所以比起公司当然好了
but $400 (already the cheapest one) is really expensive... one year will be around $5000. is not it too much? glad we do not have kid, otherwise, the cheapest one will be $700....
are you sure you have to pay $400 per MONTH rather than per YEAR?That's too much!! We pay about $30 per month, including dental and vision.
以下是引用zxiaozxiao在2005-10-10 23:59:00的发言:
but $400 (already the cheapest one) is really expensive... one year will be around $5000. is not it too much? glad we do not have kid, otherwise, the cheapest one will be $700....
but $400 (already the cheapest one) is really expensive... one year will be around $5000. is not it too much? glad we do not have kid, otherwise, the cheapest one will be $700....
it is expensive, for family coverage(spouse and kids) $400/month is reasonable. I used to pay no premium for medical/vision/dental to cover my husband and myself when I was with my previous employer. The only thing we can say is employers are different...
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