而且好朋友打什么招呼呀 直接上来就玩了
娃3岁,daycare已经上了一年半,但我看他和同龄人几乎没有交流。接送他的时候班上小朋友打招呼,他没有反应,掉头走开。带他去playdate, 他和小朋友也是零交流。每天问他今天和谁玩了,他都说一个人。他这有没有问题啊?对成人反应都很好,话非常多,简直是话唠。
我们也是,而且说话已经很清楚了,就说我自己玩儿,我一个人玩儿,I'm shy。。但我们还爱热闹不是真淡定,就每天可怜巴巴坐在角落,眼睛一眨不眨看着别人玩闹,老师鼓励家长鼓励也没用,死活不加入。回家把小朋友的名字反复念,碎碎念了几个名字一个暑假,结果开学看见人家连眼睛对视都不肯。。我焦虑很久了。也是跟成人反应很好,我觉得是成人会让着,会仔细听,同龄人不会,一句话一个举动对不上就走掉了。
Here are some social and emotional milestones that 3-year-olds may reach:
Separation: Can separate easily from parents and may calm down within 10 minutes after being dropped off at childcare
Affection: Expresses affection openly, such as showing affection for familiar playmates and being concerned for crying friends
Emotions: Has a wide range of emotions and may show concern for others without prompting
Sharing: Understands the concept of "mine" and "yours" and may take turns in games
Gender: Can identify a person as a boy or girl, but may not fully understand gender distinctions
Toilet training: May be interested in toilet training and may stay dry when awake
Routines: Enjoys routines and may get upset with major changes
Conversation: Can talk with you in conversation using at least two back-and-forth exchanges and can speak well enough for others to understand most of the time
Questions: Asks "who," "what," "where," and "why" questions
Pictures and books: Can say what action is happening in a picture or book when asked, like "running," "eating," or "playing"
Self: Says first name when asked and refers to self by using own name
借帖子问一下,大家都几岁送daycare? 1 岁会太早吗?
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