有关ROTH IRA帐户的风险问题。
2006-05-09 02:37:00
年纪越来越大了,最近动起了为退休存钱的念头。去年开了个tradition IRA. 当时银行告诉我本金是有联邦保险的,唯一的风险就是收益或多或少,最坏的情况就是收益为零,但是本金不会亏掉。
目前我想再开个ROTH IRA,在网上看了看,觉的Vanguard® Target Retirement Fund 不错。可是就是找不到有关本金有联邦保险这一条。在这里看到有的朋友说在年景不好的时候,ROTH IRA帐户里的钱缩水一半,不由的吓我一身冷汗。
难道IRA会因为买不同的基金而把本金也亏掉? 这是退休的钱啊,如果会把本金亏掉,那与正常股票帐户没太大区别了。
Traditional不知道,但是Roth是会亏掉本金的。但Roth里面买MF,要比直接炒股保险得多,只要Diversify,Hold足够长的时间,都是会盈利的。建议你还是看看Mutual Funds的入门书籍先。
any investment can lose money. even buy bonds from US government.
i have not heard any roth will guranteen your principle.
any investment can lose money. even buy bonds from US government.
i have not heard any roth will guranteen your principle.
that is so true. look at the recent i-bond yield rate.
any investment can lose money. even buy bonds from US government.
i have not heard any roth will guranteen your principle.
that is so true. look at the recent i-bond yield rate.
yeah, i stopped my automatic purchasing plan. but I may start again next time they announce the rate tho.
exempt from state tax is a selling point. and flexibility is very important to me.
did u get into any ADM, PEXI?
any investment can lose money. even buy bonds from US government.
i have not heard any roth will guranteen your principle.
that is so true. look at the recent i-bond yield rate.
yeah, i stopped my automatic purchasing plan. but I may start again next time they announce the rate tho.
exempt from state tax is a selling point. and flexibility is very important to me.
did u get into any ADM, PEXI?
年纪越来越大了,最近动起了为退休存钱的念头。去年开了个tradition IRA. 当时银行告诉我本金是有联邦保险的,唯一的风险就是收益或多或少,最坏的情况就是收益为零,但是本金不会亏掉。
目前我想再开个ROTH IRA,在网上看了看,觉的Vanguard® Target Retirement Fund 不错。可是就是找不到有关本金有联邦保险这一条。在这里看到有的朋友说在年景不好的时候,ROTH IRA帐户里的钱缩水一半,不由的吓我一身冷汗。
难道IRA会因为买不同的基金而把本金也亏掉? 这是退休的钱啊,如果会把本金亏掉,那与正常股票帐户没太大区别了。
买fund没有fdic保险的。最坏的情况是可以亏掉的。于股票账户的区别在于diversify 的大些,所以相对风险比股票小。
谢谢大家的回复。看样子ROTH IRA如果买FUND的话,是没有FDIC的。但是traditional IRA如果买FUND的话,却有FDIC的。本来以为ROTH的收益是免税的,比较适合我。没想到竟然找不到principal insured 的fund. 各位考虑买traditional 或是roth的时候,仅仅是从免税角度出发的吗? principal的风险一点都不在考虑之内?
下面就是我去年买的traditional ira的资料:
Stock Market IRA - A well deliberated risk
- The interest generated is based on the changes in the Standard and Poor's 500 Index (S&P 500)
- Minimum initial deposit: $500.
- Available term: 5 years
- The principal is insured by the FDIC up to $250,000
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-5-9 17:45:00编辑过]
i think the traditional IRA from your bank is some sort of MMK fund, usually MMK from bank has FDIC insured.
and honestly i think the FDIC insurance is only against bankrupcy of the bank. I do not think FDIC will protect you from losing money due to trading risks.
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