2006-12-03 15:10:00
Investments: • Not FDIC Insured • No Bank Guarantee • May Lose Value
我知道的IRA Roth上限是4000,省税是因为如果这4000的投资有收益是不需要交税的(我们存银行的利息还要缴税呢)
但这属于投资,所以不保证本金。理论上说可以血本无归。但是如果做一些保守的mutul fund的投资,长期来说应该是赚钱的。
保守的投资或者diversified的投资都会make yourself protected to the minimum risk level.
具体说说,是不是percentage wise, mutual fund或是Cash之类的多放一些,stock少放一些?
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-12-3 23:44:32编辑过]
The most commonly recommended funds allocation is 80% stock and 20% bonds. It also depends on your risk tolerance level. When you are young and far away from retirement, you maybe put more funds towards stock (large/mid/small cap or international funds).
The most commonly recommended funds allocation is 80% stock and 20% bonds. It also depends on your risk tolerance level. When you are young and far away from retirement, you maybe put more funds towards stock (large/mid/small cap or international funds).
80% stock 风险岂不是太大?虽然我是far far far away,可是如果stock大亏,我岂不是要吐血
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