2007-03-15 11:18:00
1。 车辆有500多刀的高速公路税,请问这个能不能包括到registration fee?
2. 如果我跟我先生分开报税, 先生收入比我高一点。请问我们家的房子贷款deductible 是否由他来报比较好?
3. I have some job-related expense, but lost receipt. Can I claim it in the filing?
4. Is house closing lawyer fee not tax dedcutible?
Thanks a lot in advance,
It is a YES if LZ has her own business. Otherwise, I really doubt about it.
Q1: Highway use tax
A: No. it is not a deductible property tax (or registration fee) on Schedule A.
(unless the car is for a business. then this tax is probably deductible on your
business tax return.)
I cannot comment on the state tax issues.
Q2: Married filing separately
A: Your husband can claim the mortgage interest deduction.
BUT, your own return cannot take standard deduction. You have to itemize every
single deduction too!
Please refer to the post I wrote:
Q3: Unreimbursed Employee expenses
A: I presume those expenses are unreimbursed employee expenses.
If they are for your own business, it has different treatments.
First, unreimbursed employee expenses are subject to the 2%
limit, which means you can claim the amount of expenses that is more than 2% of
your adjusted gross income. So you might start to look into if those expenses
are more than 2% of your AGI.
Second, regarding the missing receipts, when you got
challenged by IRS, they might ask you for your credit card statements/bank
statements. Nodaway, it is odd paying everything with cash, isn’t it?
You might need to have those expenses on file…
Q4: House closing lawyer fee
A: You are correct that this kind of legal fees cannot be deductible in your
income tax return.
But it might be included in your cost basis when you sell the
house. It depends what exactly the fees are. Since you just bought it last
year, I don’t think it is an item I need to elaborate more…
Thank you for your kindly reply. My job related expense (job hunting expense is less than 2%, it looks that no need to claim then).
One question, if my husband take the morgate interest deductible and do the itemization. I have to do it too? Then I may receive lower return than the standard. I don't know whether filing jointly or seperately is better. Thanks,
married filing separately对纳税人并不用利... 一般是夫妻双方已经是要离婚并且真的是水火不相容,万不得已的选择...
如果真的要MFS, 如果一方用了mortgage tax, 另一方就拿property tax 吧...
(home office, head of household, mfs是最容易get audit 的...)
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