2007-04-13 18:34:00
今天我开户的小银行通知我他们有一种5-month 的CD APY 5.15%,去网上查了一下,好像还可以,目前就看到HSBC比它高。我个人手上有一点闲钱,5个月内应该肯定不用。但是我的顾虑是,因为我很快就要离开这里了。虽然他们说他们可以在到期的时候给我寄过去,但是自己不清楚是不是这样比较麻烦啊?
1. 5.15% APY根本不高,比它高的Savings都有好几个。
2. 6%的那个,到4月30号就没有了,没必要申请了现在。
sign, I want to help but I am not "jms".
But anyway, I once mentioned a very good online saving, higher than your CD. Maybe you can check my post.
sign, I want to help but I am not "jms".
But anyway, I once mentioned a very good online saving, higher than your CD. Maybe you can check my post.
could you please let me know which post you mentioned that in?
sign, I want to help but I am not "jms".
But anyway, I once mentioned a very good online saving, higher than your CD. Maybe you can check my post.
just saw that. But it seems to be a small bank. I prefer to put money in a big bank or a small bank I am familiar with:)
thanks all the same.
just saw that. But it seems to be a small bank. I prefer to put money in a big bank or a small bank I am familiar with:)
thanks all the same.
Online saving, 5.25%. 5K min to open. After that, no min. Up to a certain amount.
Try to open the online checking at the same time, put $500 in it to avoid the fees, ask for the 25 free checks, so that you can easily withdraw the money.
Good luck.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-13 22:24:04编辑过]
By the way, to asnswer one of your other question:
CD: fixed rate for the said term.
Saving: the rate can change at any time. But you can close it, withdraw money at any time also.
By the way, to asnswer one of your other question:
CD: fixed rate for the said term.
Saving: the rate can change at any time. But you can close it, withdraw money at any time also.
thanks so much for your time. Do you think I could get approved without a homephone number by HSBC?
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