2007-05-09 20:25:00
这个问题我想没人可以回答吧? no one can predict the future. Also, it depends on your allocation, etc.
Personally, from its 3 or 5 year chart, I think this stock requires more frequent monitoring (more worrying), which is not my type.
By the way, why you say "不过我想也许能涨点"? Any reasons?
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-5-9 22:11:41编辑过]
看来我得问题还是不够严密啊,最近国内B股很好, 欧美股市也不错, 我就想着可能还能涨点。
看来我得问题还是不够严密啊,最近国内B股很好, 欧美股市也不错, 我就想着可能还能涨点。
In terms of market wide, you can try ETF as well. For example:
If you think China market is good, then you can buy CAF or FXI, etc.
If you think Europe is good, then you can buy EZU, etc.
If you think Australis market is good, there is EWA, DND, etc.
and of course many others.
Good luck.
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