2008-11-11 09:45:00
俺属于理财门外汉,但从没听说401k有这个限制。几个月前换了新的公司,昨天myKplan打电话给我说我之所以无法进我的新账户,原因是我公司说我不是美国公民没有资格加入401k。今早给公司里benefits Dept.的人发邮件,她说她相信我们确有此规定!
昨天我发了封长信给benefit admin(估计是个50来岁德州老太太)。把自己搜寻的资料拣重要的列出来,又把公司的文件相关列出来,请她说明哪一条说了只有绿卡和公民才能买?!她打电话来说一向是这么规定的,有些内部的资料不能随便拿出来,对此话我只有冷笑的份了。我坚持说没有相关明文规定就是assume,如果发给员工的计划文件上没有这些说明本身也是误导。。。她后来松口说谁谁去帮我查去了。
到了下午快下班的时候,老太太回邮件说dws(myKplan相关的)回复她只要我能提供resident alien status,我就可以加入计划了。(我怀疑她是找台阶给自己下,当时mykplan的人打电话说是我们公司因为身份问题卡着我)。
现在的问题是什么才是最好证明resident alien status的材料呢?护照上i94日期?退税表?
benefit admin replied me just now, she says she needs the Resident Alien card that states Resident Alien Status before she can allow me to enroll on the 401K plan. "As I explained yesterday all we have is the employment card on file. I will need to replace that card with the Resident Alien Card before the enrollment in the 401K can proceed. I will need to replace that card with the Resident Alien Card before the enrollment in the 401K can proceed."
我无语了,目前我只有工卡没有绿卡,她是坚持要alien resident card(估计就是绿卡)无论怎么解释401k与移民身份无关她也不开窍,我的确想到打官司了。。。有没有更好的和平解决途径啊。。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-13 10:39:16编辑过]
right, my company has the policy that the employee is eligible for 401k after working for company 3 months.
Now, they told me I'm still not elligible for it because I'm not citizen!
What should I do now? Telling them it makes no sense having this policy? Confused....
Ask for the written policy.
401(k) does not require participants to be citizen. However, Companies can impose their own restrictions, mostly after working for 1 month, 3 months, etc.
Thanks a lot for all the answers, but my question is: if people in our benefit Dept. insists that we have this policy (only citizen is eligible for 401k), should I ask her to check with lawyer or I just give it up
今天的情况,我翻出公司的401k文件,上面除了年龄工作时间限制外,只说non-resident alien who has no us-based incoming,但我属于resident alien (because I meet substantial presence test ).
将上述情况在电话里给benefits admin讲了后,人家坚持绿卡和公民才有资格(这次加了绿卡了),说 我只要拿到绿卡立马可以买,不要着急。
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