变成resident后还能claim 5000块学生的treaty吗?
第二个问题,opt/cpt发工资的时候应该要求payroll不要扣ss and medicare tax.如果你的employer没给你refund,管irs要,请用form843.
多嘴加一句,如果你是f2转的f1,这个ss and med是不可以免的。要交。
变成resident后还能claim 5000块学生的treaty吗?
第二个问题,opt/cpt发工资的时候应该要求payroll不要扣ss and medicare tax.如果你的employer没给你refund,管irs要,请用form843.
多嘴加一句,如果你是f2转的f1,这个ss and med是不可以免的。要交。
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/2/23 17:26:23编辑过]
请问:买房子交了mortgage insurance premiums, 这个是全额deductible吗?谢谢
Answer:问题问的太笼统,答案是要算。哈哈。解释如下。然后 search “schedule A instruction",找到里面Mortgage Insurance Premiums Deduction Worksheet—Line 13 K
请问:买房子交了mortgage insurance premiums, 这个是全额deductible吗?谢谢
Answer:问题问的太笼统,答案是要算。哈哈。解释如下。然后 search “schedule A instruction",找到里面Mortgage Insurance Premiums Deduction Worksheet—Line 13 K
Mortgage Insurance Premiums
You can treat amounts you paid during 2011 for qualified mortgage insurance as home mortgage interest. The insurance must be in connection with home acquisition debt, and the insurance contract must have been issued after 2006.
Qualified mortgage insurance. Qualified mortgage insurance is mortgage insurance provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Federal Housing Administration, or the Rural Housing Service, and private mortgage insurance (as defined in section 2 of the Homeowners Protection Act of 1998 as in effect on December 20, 2006). Mortgage insurance provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs is commonly known as a funding fee. If provided by the Rural Housing Service, it is commonly known as a guarantee fee. The funding fee and guarantee fee can either be included in the amount of the loan or paid in full at the time of closing. These fees can be deducted fully in 2011 if the mortgage insurance contract was issued in 2011. Contact the mortgage insurance issuer to determine the deductible amount if it is not reported in box 4 of Form 1098.
Special rules for prepaid mortgage insurance. Generally, if you paid premiums for qualified mortgage insurance that are properly allocable to periods after the close of the tax year, such premiums are treated as paid in the period to which they are allocated. You must allocate the premiums over the shorter of the stated term of the mortgage or 84 months, beginning with the month the insurance was obtained. No deduction is allowed for the unamortized balance if the mortgage is satisfied before its term. This paragraph does not apply to qualified mortgage insurance provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs or the Rural Housing Service.
I have converted rollover IRA(eg $6000) to ROTH IRA last year, do I need to pay tax on all of $6000 like a distribution? Or just some certain part? How would the taxable amount be calculated?
还是Roth conversion. I converted both rollover Ira and non-deductible Ira (say $20k) to Roth. Form 5498 list Roth conversion amount as 20k, but why 1099r list gross distribution as $19500. What caused the difference?
听lz的表述应该都是directly转的,这个为assumption. so no time(60day) test needed.
1. Yes. You should included it as your IRA distribution. The taxable amount should be found in Form 1099-R that you received. Details see, 1040 Line 15a and 15b.
2.1099 was sent directly to the owner and IRS. 5498 is the confirmation letter about your rollover. If the amount does not match each other, either not enough was re-deposited into the rollover account or there was an additional contribution leading to taxes and penalties if not addressed in time.
I have converted rollover IRA(eg $6000) to ROTH IRA last year, do I need to pay tax on all of $6000 like a distribution? Or just some certain part? How would the taxable amount be calculated?
还是Roth conversion. I converted both rollover Ira and non-deductible Ira (say $20k) to Roth. Form 5498 list Roth conversion amount as 20k, but why 1099r list gross distribution as $19500. What caused the difference?
听lz的表述应该都是directly转的,这个为assumption. so no time(60day) test needed.
1. Yes. You should included it as your IRA distribution. The taxable amount should be found in Form 1099-R that you received. Details see, 1040 Line 15a and 15b.
2.1099 was sent directly to the owner and IRS. 5498 is the confirmation letter about your rollover. If the amount does not match each other, either not enough was re-deposited into the rollover account or there was an additional contribution leading to taxes and penalties if not addressed in time.
请问:我04年来美,在11年1月跟2月是f1/opt身份,然后转成J1。按规定我要按照resident保税,但因为前两个月是f1,应该有 5000元免税。我的w2上是全部收入。我已经跟学校的payroll office 联系过了,人家说我应该可以享受这5000元免税(我也没有交),但w2上要显示全工资。我要填那些表格来说明我的前5000元免税呢?
1.我有点晕你的描述。你到底前五千被扣税了没有? 如果被扣税了可以要回来,可以要回来。如果没扣税。那就很方便了啊。什么都不用做。
2. 关于你公婆的问题。我个人观点是不可以的。首先你公婆应该木有绿卡,中国公民 B2签证对吧。如果要做dependent的话,其中一个条件(后面会写其他条件)是citizen or resident alien。但是作为一个resident, 是有义务缴税和报税的,to IRS。所以我觉得不可以。第二个原因, 正常的B2 签证好像是180天? 我的理由是: 如下天数不能算进来。Days you intend to leave, but could not leave the United States because of a medical condition or problem that arose while you were in the United States. Whether you intended to leave the United States on a particular day is determined based on all the facts and circumstances.
2.首先,判断你公婆是不是qualifying relative。要通过四个test, 对于你的情况,就是三和四,单人收入小于$3700。还有就是你provide more than half of the person's total support for the year.
1.) Not a qualifying child test,
2.) Member of household or relationship test,
3.) Gross income test, and
4.) Support test.
3.在这个qualifying relative通过了的情况下,
还有三个test: dependent taxpayer, joint return and citizen or resident test.
跟你公婆有关的就是这个resident test 啦,如果你公婆不是公民,就有个183天test.
All the days present in the U.S. during the current calendar year
+ 1/3 of the days present in the U.S. in the preceding calendar year
+ 1/6 of the days present in the U.S. during the 2 nd preceding calendar year
= Total days counted for U.S. tax residency
请问:我04年来美,在11年1月跟2月是f1/opt身份,然后转成J1。按规定我要按照resident保税,但因为前两个月是f1,应该有 5000元免税。我的w2上是全部收入。我已经跟学校的payroll office 联系过了,人家说我应该可以享受这5000元免税(我也没有交),但w2上要显示全工资。我要填那些表格来说明我的前5000元免税呢?
1.我有点晕你的描述。你到底前五千被扣税了没有? 如果被扣税了可以要回来,可以要回来。如果没扣税。那就很方便了啊。什么都不用做。
2. 关于你公婆的问题。我个人观点是不可以的。首先你公婆应该木有绿卡,中国公民 B2签证对吧。如果要做dependent的话,其中一个条件(后面会写其他条件)是citizen or resident alien。但是作为一个resident, 是有义务缴税和报税的,to IRS。所以我觉得不可以。第二个原因, 正常的B2 签证好像是180天? 我的理由是: 如下天数不能算进来。Days you intend to leave, but could not leave the United States because of a medical condition or problem that arose while you were in the United States. Whether you intended to leave the United States on a particular day is determined based on all the facts and circumstances.
2.首先,判断你公婆是不是qualifying relative。要通过四个test, 对于你的情况,就是三和四,单人收入小于$3700。还有就是你provide more than half of the person's total support for the year.
1.) Not a qualifying child test,
2.) Member of household or relationship test,
3.) Gross income test, and
4.) Support test.
3.在这个qualifying relative通过了的情况下,
还有三个test: dependent taxpayer, joint return and citizen or resident test.
跟你公婆有关的就是这个resident test 啦,如果你公婆不是公民,就有个183天test.
All the days present in the U.S. during the current calendar year
+ 1/3 of the days present in the U.S. in the preceding calendar year
+ 1/6 of the days present in the U.S. during the 2 nd preceding calendar year
= Total days counted for U.S. tax residency
我的情况更复杂了,我们还有一个小孩,如果联合报税,就不能返1000块税。现在打算收入低的那个和小孩一起报,不知道会不会好点。我的问题是如果现在存一个养老金IRA什么的,能不能算成去年的,减掉一些txble income呢?
Contributions can be made to your traditional IRA at any time during the year or by the due date for filing your return for that year, not including extensions. Additionally, if you make a contribution between Jan. 1 and due date, you should designate the year targeted for that contribution.
我的情况更复杂了,我们还有一个小孩,如果联合报税,就不能返1000块税。现在打算收入低的那个和小孩一起报,不知道会不会好点。我的问题是如果现在存一个养老金IRA什么的,能不能算成去年的,减掉一些txble income呢?
Contributions can be made to your traditional IRA at any time during the year or by the due date for filing your return for that year, not including extensions. Additionally, if you make a contribution between Jan. 1 and due date, you should designate the year targeted for that contribution.
看到楼主的开贴,如获至宝,赶紧请问两个问题。我和我先生是联合保税的,有关Roth IRA的报税两个问题请教:
1. 问去年2011年的。为了不受收入的限制,能放到最大额度$5000,我先放了5000进我的traditional IRA, 然后随即很快从traditional IRA convert 到了Roth IRA。请问我这比5000先后进过两种IRA账户,要如何计算来报税呢?
2. 今年2012年,我还可以一样如此操作吗,来最大额度放满我的Roth IRA?不知有新的法规限制吗?例如,2010的说是可以选择当年一次报或是split成两笔在当年和第二年2011报的。这样的选择今年2012 还有吗?
以下是引用JillianCui在2/23/2012 1:50:00 PM的发言:
我想问2011的税是calendar year还是2012年4月之前都能算到2011年的退税上?
如果要存IRA的话,12年4月15前存的,可以算2011年的contribution.我想问2011的税是calendar year还是2012年4月之前都能算到2011年的退税上?
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