College, University or other educational institution
Research Institute that is an official part of a college or university
Research Institute that is NOT an official part of a college or university
Foundation or other non-profit entity
U.S. Governmental Agency
Corporate (for profit) entity
Other entity
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-9 5:28:38编辑过]
ps:summernyc mm, 已经把另一贴中引用你的话删掉了。mm太客气了,很感谢你热心的帮忙。美国退税的确太复杂,况且我们的情况都不同。mm的建议也的确帮了我不少。多谢!
The U.S.- China, People's Republic of allows possible tax treaty exemption of an unlimited amount for your Compensation/Wages.
The possible tax treaty exemption period is 3 Years From the Date of Arrival to the U.S.
line 3, 4, 5都不用填,直接把w-2上的数额填在line 6就好了,羡慕死了
page 2,itme J:
wages $$$$ - China, People's Republic of Article 19
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-9 5:55:12编辑过]
这个。。。 我这几年在新加坡读书的,签证也是在新加坡签的,难道不能享受treaty吗?我也是中国国籍的学生呀 另外我能填article19吗?我的身份不是teaching呀,好像应该算是20(c)吧?
本人是在新加坡读书的中国学生,去年下半年持J-1 visa去NY state参加3个多月的intern。最近收到公司寄的W-2,现在头痛于tax return。毕竟在新加坡很难找到精通美国税法的专业人士,希望有朋友可以帮忙解答一下问题,多谢。
1)我现在在填1040NR-EZ和NY state的IT-203 forms,另外还需要填别的form吗?
You should also file Form 8233. Form 8233 is used for Dependent (employee) and Independent (non-employee) compensation. It allows you to claim "exempt" from federal withholding on earnings as allowed by certain tax treaties.
2)不知道我这种情况可以有$5000的US-China tax treaty吗?另外很奇怪这个$5000在表中哪儿能够take effect?有朋友说在W-2中的数目中已经减掉了找个5000美金,不过我的好像没有减去。另外也有朋友说填在1040NR-EZ的line 6,然后在line5减去$5000。实在有些糊涂 :(
Your visa type (J1) allows you to enjoy the US/China tax treaty. You are "exempt" individual and are considered as nonresident alien for tax purposes. I believe the W2 should reflect your gross income. Therefore, you take out $5,000 from line 3 on 1040NREZ, and write down $5,000 on line 6. Make sure you provide detailed information on item J from the second page.
Btw, do you have ssn or ITIN?
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