2007-03-12 21:33:00
我在firstrade上准备开户, 开户过程中问是否是居民, 我就答了是, 但是后来填具体的个人信息时又让选"永久居民(绿卡)" 和 "公民", 而且只有这两种选项.我还没有绿卡呢.
该怎么办呢? 刚才已经选了"永久居民(绿卡)"一项, 但是后来想想, 以后会不会算我欺骗啊? 现在只是帐号开了, 还没放钱进去. 是不是应该跟他们更正下? 别的地方开户也是这样的吗?
As long as you have US source taxable compensation ,
you are eligible to open the Roth IRA account, regardless of your nationality.
When a person opens an account at a financial institution, the firm needs to
verify the client's valid ID (SSN, name , etc) through CIP (customer
identification program).
Since you are not a US-citizen/resident, in order to minimize withholding taxes
and any tax consequence, the financial institution would request you to fill
out one of four versions of W-8. In your case, you should call the brokerage
firm and clarify with them...
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-14 2:25:31编辑过]
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